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 "Get up." The command was followed by an icy bucket of water dumped over her head and Brutus dragging her out of bed by her feet. She'd been out late the night before . . . doing what? A billion memories came rushing back. The bar, the Aciline, Jacob . . . Alyssa brought herself to her feet, and smiled as the rest came flooding in. Remembering the light was like being back on the top of the mountain, free from everything. Despite the reality that she was in her room back at the castle, with a whole day of training ahead of her. Alyssa hadn't noticed she'd begun zoning out until Brutus's voice broke through her thoughts. "You okay there?"

Alyssa nodded, and then suddenly it hit her. She'd forgotten. "I need to speak with Adrien." She stated quickly.

Brutus gave her a questioning tilt of the head, "This early in the morning? Can it wait?"

"It better not."

Brutus shrugged, "Alright princess I'll send someone to ask him to meet you before breakfast. Although, you really shouldn't get in the habit of calling the King to meet you whenever you please."

Alyssa groaned, "I know." Brutus simply chuckled, and shrugged, heading out into the hallway. When she did move, he peeked back in and waved her to follow.

When Adrien saw Alyssa coming to meet him, he smiled. He didn't mind their unplanned meeting. She was, after all, going to be the savior of his entire Kingdom; he supposed that gave her some right. Although, perhaps not this hour in the morning.

"So, what is it that's under discussion?" The King asked as she approached.

Alyssa bit her lip and was silent. Adrien knew that only meant trouble.

"I found some. . . "Stowaways"."

Adrien lifted an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"The magic cult we're working with, Analia's cult, that's what they belong to. For some reason, though, they came here. I found them in my room, and the older boy told me he wanted to stay here. At the castle. In return, he promised to tutor me in magic apart from Analia's lessons, as extra help. I thought it seemed reasonable, but of course your decision is the final one."

"I do think that might be of benefit . . ."

"Naturally." Adrien and Alyssa spun around to see the boy leaning against a wall behind them, watching them with arrogant eyes. His younger sister Lucy peeked out from behind the wall, eyes wide as they laid on Adrien. "Your task for me is too simple, merciful king."

At first, Adrien seemed taken aback by Calix's young age, but recovered quickly. "Well, just see to it the task gets done," he said, "Make sure she is improving. Help her in any way you can."

"I would do nothing less," he'd started picking at his cuticles. It was nonchalant, so casually disrespectful. It awed Adrien how little cults valued Kingdoms and their leaders. Yet, it was not unreasonable. Their arrogance matched their power. If one of their cults could wipe out two kingdoms . . . Adrien couldn't imagine the destruction if all together they decided things were better off without kingdoms around.

"Excellent." Adrien responded, concealing his former thoughts.

Calico grinned, and clapped his hands together, "So we have an arrangement! Now, if you don't mind escorting us to our room. . ."

"Not so fast," Adrien cut in, "Train first."

Calix sighed softly, and stared off into the distance for a moment before he turned back to the King. "As your majesty wishes, I will begin as soon as possible." Folding his hands behind his back, he began to stroll along the floor, before turning back to them with a sigh, "Even though the night before I got little sleep, you know, since we had not been given a room. We were forced to sleep on the floor, and you know how uncomfortable that can be. So my little sister and I, we spent most of the night cold and afraid. Afraid of what might happen if a guard might stumble upon us and think we were thieves, when all we wished to do was help. And your castle floors were hard, so when we awoke this morning we were aching. But we picked ourselves up, determined to do whatever it took to meet you, and offer our assistance. So while we might not be in the best condition, we will start immediately."

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