Ch. 14

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Darryl took a break to step into a creek and splash himself with the cool water. Calvin could not bring himself to do the same, not when his mind was still spinning. Just a day ago he believed in little he couldn't see, and magic didn't exist. Now, he was preparing to learn to perform it--and that was only the beginning. Darryl had bigger plans for him. If he had his way Calvin would be leading the cult no time. That thought occupied his mind with such force that he barely heard Darryl calling his name. When he looked up, Darryl had already resumed his hike up the mountain.

The idea of magic exited him, but there was also a pressing fear. His mother had just been threatened, and Calvin had left her home alone unguarded. He had never liked the king or been fond of royals, but now he burned with hatred. It always made him nervous to think his sister was living at the castle under the king's mercy, and what his mother had told him the night before confirmed his suspicions. His sister had always been good and honorable. Even as a child, she fought for what was in her heart. There was no way Calvin could believe his perfect sister would do something so dishonorable as treachery without good reason. There had to be more to it than that, and Calvin was determined to find out.

"What's bothering you so much?" Darryl's question startled him.

"Can your magic read my emotions or something?"

"Of course not," Darryl gave an amused smile, "But I can. I have a way of noticing things. You're not at ease."

"I'm thinking of someone."


"Someone from long ago." He felt the warm breeze and missed his sister even more.

"Why does this person still haunt your mind?"

Calvin looked up at him. "Because though I have not seen them in years, a choice they made just recently has affected my life and my mother's."

Darryl's eyes were understanding. "I too know what it is like to be separated from someone for many years, and though they may not physically be there, in some ways they never leave you." Calvin nodded, and Darryl said, "Remember, I promised to answer your questions. And I will, if you have any to ask."

Calvin's eyes met Darryl's. "Can I trust the leader of my kingdom?"

Darryl looked sympathetic. "All five cults understand that the King of Rayland cannot be trusted. Even before Daniel was crowned, his father was deceitful, and so was his father. We do not like Rayland, but they are not our enemy, either. Cult's do not associate with kingdoms; they are not worthy of being friend or foe."

Calvin was silent for a moment, and then asked, "You said there were five cults?"

"I did."

"So, who are we?"

Darryl smiled. "We are the Aigua cult, meaning we are free within water."

"Does that mean we only use water magic?"

"No, not at all, it's just means we are strongest in that area." He beckoned the water to rise by raising a hand, and it obeyed. "Aigua values water as the most important element. It is the purest, but we use every kind of light magic. We can manipulate every element, though it is easier for some of us than others. It makes us stronger when we have variety." Darryl let the water fall again. "Eventually, you will learn to manipulate the air, the earth, fire, lighting, sound, speed, and many others--but we'll start with water. As time progresses, you will progress. You will learn to change the temperature, and control the wind. It is a gift Mother Nature has given those who possess light magic."

It was exiting and terrifying at the same time. It sounded dangerous; a single person with so much power, and yet it was exhilarating. Like a flame, beautiful but likely to burn.

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