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Alyssa's eyes weakly flickered open to find herself chained to a chair, and a boy bending over watching her with curious eyes and a nasty smirk. Glancing around, she appeared to be in some sort of old basement. The stone walls were falling apart, and the air reeked of mildew. There was only one window she could see, but it was so thickly covered in dust that it was impossible to see through.
    When the boy saw that she had woken he straightened up and walked over to lean against one of the walls. There was something familiar about him, though she couldn't place a finger on it or who he was. She recognized those greedy eyes and the arrogant way he held himself. So who on earth could it be . . .
    Another man walked in, who was quite a bit older than the boy. He she knew. "Alyssa, I admit it's been a long time. I'm sure you may remember Burgess; he usually leaves quite the impression. Though I apologize he delayed explaining to you the situation. We have been sent to retrieve you by King Daniel, though I'm sure that may have already crossed your mind. You will pay for your betrayal, and your family will be affected if you refuse to answer any questions or withhold any information wanted by either us or the King. You have already failed to be honorable to your Kingdom once, let's make this simple. You tell us what we need to know and perhaps one day you will restore that honor."
    Alyssa's eyes were cold. "I have no regrets. You speak about honor? My betrayal was the most honorable thing I've done in a long time. I blindly served our king, listened to his words, and believed them without question. I fell for his lies. My loyalty does lie with Rayland, I'll admit that. It is my Kingdom, and will always have a place in my heart. But our King, your king, I will never again obey."
    Burgess scoffed from his place against the wall. "This is who was chosen to be the King's assassin over me? Unbelievable."
    "Be quiet Burgess, she isn't finished explaining." Burgess merely scowled, but the Captain looked back at Alyssa, his eyes filled with questions. "How do you get honor by turning on the Kingdom you say you love and cursing its king? I'm afraid I don't understand your reasoning. Am I to understand betrayal is honorable? What are you gaining by giving our secrets to the enemy, and working with them?"
    "You're wrong," Alyssa said, looking up at him, "I don't want Effulgence to win the war. I'm trying to end it."
    Burgess scowled again, raising an eyebrow, "You? End a war?"
    Alyssa's eyes narrowed, "Our king has been deceiving you. We are not under attack and have never been. Rayland is always at war, but has anyone ever thought to figure out why we find ourselves at war with so many Kingdoms? Ones who are much weaker than us? Daniel is trying to wipe them out! With every Kingdom that collapses Rayland grows stronger. All so its King can grow more and more powerful. Where is the justice in that? Where is the honor? How can I find honor in serving a King who wants nothing for anyone but himself? He lies to his people to ensure he gets what he wants."
    The Captain was silent for only a moment before he turned to Burgess and said, "Get the rest of our men together, we'll leave shortly from here and back to Rayland to deliver her to the King. Then we'll make her talk, as for now, I've heard enough foolishness for one day."
    Burgess smirked and shrugged, "sure", and as the Captain left the room, he looked over at Alyssa.  "Lies, huh?" He asked with a smile, "Conquering other Kingdoms to grow Rayland and its power, that doesn't sound bad at all. Of course there are people like you who would find some problem with it. You people who talk about honor find problems with everything. You want justice, but the world isn't fair. I'd say hurry up and get on the winning side. To be completely honest, if what you're saying is true, then our King was smart for hiding the truth from people like you who couldn't handle it. He said what he needed to. Sometimes faulty facts are the only things that can keep people motivated. I'm not like that, if given an opportunity, I don't blow it—but you, on the other hand, have lost your position. That high place beside the King. You know the truth now, and are no longer useful to him—and he knows it."
    Burgess smiled as the Captain walked back in, "Burgess, I said get the men. That means now."
    "Of course." Glancing back at Alyssa, he swung his arm forward with a firm punch to her gut, watching as her unconscious body fell over his fist. "There. That will save us the time of fighting to get her to go with us." The captain only gave a slight nod and sighed before dismissing Burgess and headed over to move her from one set of chains to another.

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