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Omniscient Pov

Akaashi put his hand around Y/n's waist a little bit tighter than before. His grip was so tight that she felt uncomfortable. She tried giving him a hint to loosen his grip that only seemed to make him tighten it even more.

"Uh, Keiji?" the girl nervously asked as his grip seemed to get more and more taut on her waist. "I can't breathe."

He didn't yield even after her statement. He just looked at her and frowned before continuing his conversation. Desperate to breathe again, Y/n tried to pry his large hands off of her, but to no avail. She started to see black dots and her head felt faint.

She woke up in her bed, lying face up with her hands pressed tightly to each of her sides. Relieved that she was out of her dream- more nightmare than anything- she opted for a breath. But she couldn't. There was nothing there but something- or someone- was sitting on her chest. Again, she was suffocating.

Not liking this feeling at all, she tried to move her arm to push whatever may be sitting on her chest off, but she couldn't move. She knew then what this was.

Sleep paralysis.

She was grateful that there was nothing lurking in the corner of her room or some ghastly being crawling on her wall like all the other experiences she had read about. But she spoke too soon.

Still not being able to breathe, Y/n looked around her room until her eyes fell on the mirror she had on her dresser. Inside the mirror was a man with blue eyes and black hair. As if he knew that she was looking at him, he turned around and smiled at her.

When Y/n saw who it was, any wind that she may have had in her lungs was knocked out before all she saw was black.



It came out as just more than a whisper when she woke up. What type of dream was that? Akaashi would never do anything to hurt her on purpose. He was so gentle with her.

She glanced over to her clock, the time reading 3:33 am. "Yeah, no," is what she said when she saw the time. Usually people make wishes at angel number times, but not three am. Those were demon hours and considering the dream she just had, she was convinced it had to do something with the time.

See, Y/n was a very superstitious person. She threw salt over her shoulder whenever she split it, she never walked under a ladder. Hell, she never threw things around a mirror for fear of breaking it.

It wasn't like she believed in bad luck, she just didn't want to risk it.

Wrapping herself in her blanket once more, she laid down to try and use the rest of the night to sleep.


Akaashi came up behind his girlfriend and hugged her around her waist. Usually, this was a pleasant surprise to the h/c haired girl, but all that did this time around was remind her of her latest dream.

"Not now, Keiji," she said while removing his arms from her waist. Much to her delight, he didn't squeeze so much that she passed out like in her dream. "I'm not feeling it today."

A little bit hurt, Akaashi stepped away from her. "Yeah, okay. I get it," he said awkwardly. Standing there just got ten times more uncomfortable than it should've been.

Akaashi and Y/n had been dating since their first year of high school after knowing each other all three years of junior high, so it was pretty easy to read the other's expressions since they knew each other for so long. And right now what Y/n's expression told the blue-eyed male is that she was hiding something from him. That she felt guilty for letting him touch her.

This was right. She did feel guilty when Akaashi put his arms around her, mostly because she felt bad for remembering her dream. She knew that he would never do anything to hurt her, but she was just being cautious, that was all. She wasn't scared, just cautious.

If only Y/n knew that her comment amplified the thoughts of Akaashi tenfold.


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