𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘌𝘺𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵¹₉

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I woke up in a cold sweat on the floor. My body trembled as I tried to remember how I had ended up there. Dazed, I tried to stand up but I couldn't. Something, or someone was holding me down. It was nearly pitch black, the only light was creeping in through the hallway and even then it was pale. I couldn't see what held me.

I felt cold. Weren't my pajamas a little thicker than this? I felt the thin material and traced the design. It wasn't the two piece flannel I went to sleep with but rather a lacy nightgown.

I had a feeling that I already knew what it looked like.

I tried getting up again, clawing blindly at whatever held me, desperately trying to break free from my prison. With my struggle I came to find that it was a chain that connected me to my bed. So distracted by my attempt to break it I failed to notice a figure entering the room. They cast a large shadow over the room. Using the little light provided I tried to make out their facial features but I couldn't. As they stepped closer a wave of dread washed over me.

I've been here before.

This situation... it's already happened.

And I didn't want to relive the events that happened when the figure reached me.

I knew now that this must've been a dream, a memory, flashback... anything other than reality. I tried desperately to wake up or to break out of my trance, but to no avail. With every approaching step I prepared myself more and more, slowly accepting my fate.

It's just a dream. It's not real this time.

The figure leaned down in front of me. I now had a clear shot of their face but I already knew who it was. They put their hand on my cheek just as they did that day-

I quickly sat up from my slumber, my chest heaving up and down as my face and body were drenched in sweat. Again, I woke up on the floor for some odd reason. I quickly felt my legs and arms to make sure that they weren't chained up. To my relief they weren't. I must've fallen off the bed in my sleep. About to crawl back into it I felt something take over me. Suddenly I was compelled to walk down the stairs.

For whatever reason I listened to this compulsion even though I knew the possible consequences that Akaashi could dish out if he found me there. Slowly, I walked downstairs. It's as if my feet were moving on their own. I felt like I had no control over them.

They led me into the kitchen where they sent a message to my hands. I opened the drawer where Akaashi kept washcloths and dug through it. Finally I felt something square and plastic. Out emerged my hands with a box of... matches? Why would I need-

What day is it?

I quickly rushed to the calendar to see that it was October fifteenth. Why was that day important?

I stood in front of the calendar and tried to remember any important things related to October fifteenth when it hit me.

Five hundred eighteen days.

Suddenly I knew why I woke up so early and was looking for matches. I had originally wanted to do this when Akaashi was out of the house but now would work too.

I headed for the door and took a big breath, my hand on the door handle.

What if he wakes up and finds me? I should just do this later.

No, you should do it now. Kill two birds with one stone.

But what if he wakes up during it? He'll know it was me and-

He'll know it was you either way. This way you're just giving him a little preview as to where he'll end up.

My hands were shaking as I went back and forth with my thoughts. I started to doubt myself. Did I really want this?

You do.

I still love Akaashi, don't I?

You don't.

He's done so much for me. And people can change.

Stop making excuses for him and leave! Yes it's a little earlier than you planned but this is your window of opportunity. This is what you want. You don't want to stay with him because you don't love him! If you loved him, do you really think you'd be at the front door, hand on the doorknob with a box of matches in your hands?


Exactly! Don't lose this moment. You don't know when another chance like this will arise, if it even will. You've seen what Akaashi's capable of. For all you know this could be your last day alive. Don't spend it hesitating. Even if you don't succeed at least you'll know that you've tried.

You've listened enough.

"It's time to take charge."

I quickly opened the door and slammed it behind me, no longer caring if the prick upstairs heard me or not. It was time for him to get what he deserved. With my heart still pounding I opened the match case and pulled one out.

I could almost taste my freedom as I struck the match. This dark night now illuminated by this small fire was like a dream come true.

But all dreams must come to an end.

I woke up again, this time in bed.


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