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I felt as if there was a clock ticking, telling me that it was only a matter of time before Akaashi came back and started looking for me. I knew I had to make a choice.

"Back! I'll go back!"

I wasn't walking the straightest so I knew that I couldn't entirely trust how straight I had been walking.

Finally being able to make up my mind I did a full one eighty turn, now able to continue my journey.

I just hope I made the right decision.


I made my way through the woods, trying to retrace my steps as carefully as possible. I tried not to stray from my original path a much as I might have. At this point I was looking for one of two things:

A way out of here that led to civilization or the house. I figured that either one of these would be good because if I make it to the main road I can tell everyone the horrors I suffered at the hands of Akaashi. Or if I made it back to the house there would hopefully be people there and I could tell them. Fires do draw a lot of attention.

I started to see the woods get thinner and thinner. I knew I was close.



I started running as fast as I could towards the now thinning woods. "Y/n wait up! I just want to talk to you!"

Talk my ass! I wasn't about to give him the time of day, especially when I was this close to freedom.

As I continued on running I heard a bang and then felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder.

No way.

No fucking way.

He shot me!

He really shot me!

Where did he even get a gun?

I didn't have time to think of where or how or why Akaashi had a gun. I just needed to get myself as far away from it as possible.

"I don't know why I thought that would slow you down," he called from behind me. "You've always been a fighter. You never gave up easily. Just like me." I heard his footsteps thump behind me. If it was any other situation I'm sure he would've caught up to me in no time. But being shot had sent my body into overdrive. I don't think I've ever ran this fast and I don't know if I'll ever run this fast again.

I could hear the sirens blaring and I knew I was close.

"You don't want this, Y/n! All this media attention on you. I know you'll hate it. Just come back and live with me. We can start over." He continued to bargain with me while running. I didn't bother to answer. Just as I thought he was going to get me I could actually see the flames consuming the house I knew for the past five hundred and eighteen days.

The smell of ash filled my lungs with hope as I continued to push myself forward, away from the monster chasing me. I knew I was almost there and I wasn't going to stop fighting now. I finally broke free from the trees to find the house and a crowd of around twenty people standing around it. I also saw Akaashi's car out front.

"Help! Help me, please!" I yelled loudly, trying to draw as much attention to myself as possible.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay dear?" a heavyset middle aged lady asked me. "What is a thing like you doing all alone in the woods at this time of day?" I panted and held my shoulder where Akaashi had shot me.

"Please, help me." I collapsed from blood loss. I was lucky it happened in this ladies arms. If it were Akaashi's I'm sure I wouldn't have been so lucky. I heard muffled voices around me before I felt myself being carried away from the woman.

"Ma'am? Ma'am are you alright?"

Soon all I felt was bliss.

And all I saw was black.


I was laying on the road when I saw Akaashi standing in the woods. I was alone, he could've got me so easily but he looked hesitant to approach. He just... watched me. Even though he was far away I could see his face in perfect detail. He looked at me longingly. He looked sad, remorseful even. He mouthed something, I'm not too sure what, and turned away. I watched as his back faced me as he slowly stalked back into the woods. I'm not sure where he's going but I'm glad it's away from me. He finally set me


I woke up in a hospital bed this time. I saw a doctor, two police officers, a detective and my mother all looking down at me.

"Oh, Y/n!" my mother cried. "Finally, you've come back to me! I thought I would never see you again!" She engulfed me in a hug. Her warm embrace felt so nice after being deprived of it for so long.

I thought I would never see you either.

Is what I wanted to say, but the only thing that came out was


"Free? From what? Y/n please tell me! Where were you? I was so worried I-"

"Ma'am," the female police officer spoke up. "She just woke up. She's probably traumatized from her time away. If you could please step out-"

"No I won't! Can't you see she's upset? She needs her mother."

"What she needs is some peace and quiet."

"And what's the definition of 'peace and quiet' to you? Bombarding her with questions?"

"Isn't that what you're doing?"

With a huff my mother left the room. She stayed close, though. I could see her through the glass window.

"Now, Y/n, can I call you Y/n?" the male police officer started. I nodded. "Care to answer some questions?" I nodded again.

"Do you remember where you were for the past seventeen months?

"I don't know."

"Is that a 'I don't know where I was' I don't know or a 'I don't know if I know or not' I don't know?"

His question was confusing to me. "I don't know."

He sighed. He seemed frustrated. "Okay... next question then. Did you runaway or where you taken from your home?"

Neither. I willingly left home and I was taken from there.

"I don't know."

I don't know why I kept saying that. Was it because deep down a part of me wanted to save Akaashi? To spare running his name through the mud? That can't be it. I hate him! Why would I spare him?

"This isn't going anywhere. She must have brain damage or something. Let's go and come back later," the male officer told the female officer and the detective.

Before leaving, the detective left his business card on my bed-side table. "If you ever do know, don't be scared to give me a call."


The confusing yet miracle of a story where one girl who went missing for months suddenly turns up seemingly out of the blue. The puzzling case that is L/n F/n's is one of remorse and unanswered questions. Where has she been? What was she doing? Was she kidnapped or did she run away? Officials say the L/n refuses to answer their questions with anything other than the words 'free' and 'I don't know'. Police are saying that she must be in a state of shock while psychologists believe it is all an act and that she is purposely withholding information. Could she be protecting her captor? And if so, why? First responders say that she ran out of the woods begging for help until she collapsed due to a fresh gunshot wound to her shoulder. These woods are the ones parallel to the house fire that happened in the Hyogo region earlier this week. Sources and skeptics alike believe that she could have had something to do with it and that she set the fire as a sign for help. If so, help from what? And more questions continue to arise. What about Akaashi Keiji, a teen boy who sources say she had a relationship with that went missing the same day she did? And Konoha Akinori, the boy who attended their same school here in Tokyo that was found dead mere days after their disappearance? More updates as the story develops.


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