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Akaashi's Pov

I'm happy we're together again. I'm glad I was able to find her. Even though she's been a total bitch to me lately I can't stay mad at her. No matter how hard I try, I can't be angry with her for long.

I understand why she left. I know her best after all. And I... I believe her. I believe that she didn't cheat on me. But I'll never admit that to her. And I'll never ever feel regretful for what I did to Konoha. It was a long time coming. I never really liked him anyway.

When I found her in the woods, I remember feeling my heart swell in my chest. Just the sight of Y/n after not seeing her for nearly a whole day was enough to nearly turn my whole mood around. But as quickly as she fixed it, she ruined my mood by running away from me. That feeling that it evoked in me... the way that my heart dropped... I hated it. I hated her at that moment.

I never want to feel that animosity towards her ever again.

When I was finally able to catch her in what must've been the most suspenseful moment of my life, I threw her over my shoulder. I remember she tried to convince me that she loved me, that we could go back to normal. I almost believed her. Almost. I know her the best, no matter how hard she tries to deny it. I know that she hates me, I knew that her words were lies in a final attempt to get me to let her go. When she realized that it didn't work, her true feelings came out. She hit me, said she hated me, she even called me names until she eventually passed out.

A part of me knows that those aren't her true feelings, that it was just another attempt for me to let her go. If she couldn't please me then she would try to hurt me. I know that she doesn't actually hate me. We've been too close for too long for this one thing to throw all those years... all those memories away. Of course she doesn't love me anymore, but she doesn't hate me.

She can't hate me.

With her now passed out over my shoulder, I was able to walk in silence to the cabin where I examined and patched up her foot for her.

And now I'm here. Sitting in a chair waiting for her to wake up. It's been nearly a week since she passed out. I'm starting to worry. A week where she hasn't eaten, she must be incredibly weak.

I just hope that she wakes up soon so we can be together again.

This is the most anxious I've ever felt in my life. Just the idea of her never waking up...

I feel my heartbeat quicken and I can hardly breathe. Just the idea of never hearing her voice again is enough to...

I burst into tears on the floor. I can't imagine a life without her. If she dies it'll be like a piece of me is missing. A life without her is a life not worth living. If she dies it just might be all my fault. It will be all my fault. I brought her here. I chased her in the woods. I endangered her life I was selfish I brought her here I-

I was a bad boyfriend. I saw something was wrong I knew something was wrong with her yet I didn't say anything. And then I had the gull to get jealous when she confided in someone else when I wasn't there for her. Me, the one person who's supposed to care for her most couldn't even do that. And now look at me. Look at her. She might be gone forever and I'll only have myself to blame. Just the idea of never being able to see her smile again... with those bright e/c eyes of hers...

Is enough for me to want to kill myself.

If she dies I'll have no other choice but to join her. We won't go to the same place, no. She's probably on the staircase to heaven right now. If she makes it to the top I'll be speeding down the highway to hell. I promise myself that.

I promise that if she ever wakes up I'll never yell at her again. I'll never fight, never argue as long as we both shall live.

I started to get myself off the floor seeing as my little dramatic moment was over. It was rather short lived compared to the others I've had this past week. I sat myself on the chair again, waiting, watching for any sign that she may wake up. And then I saw it.

Rather it be because of my loud sobs or her body deciding that she had had enough,

she woke up.


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