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Y/n's Pov

"Akaashi has been avoiding me recently. It sounds toxic but just because I did it to him doesn't mean he gets to do it to me! He didn't even try to talk to me, he just ghosted. It's been a whole fifteen days since we last spoke to each other. We see each other, that's for sure, but neither one of us decided to make the first move. Have we broken up?

"No, no we haven't. I don't know what changed to make him such a dick all of a sudden, but Akaashi would at least have the balls to tell me he wants to break up.



"And Konoha. Don't even get me started on him. Who is he to try and intervene in our relationship? Talking about some 'is everything okay'. Just who does he think he is? If I felt uncomfortable with Akaashi, I wouldn't be with him! Simple!

"He has nothing to hold over me. Why would he need to? He knows I love him. I still do. So why is he acting like this? It hurts my heart to think that he might not want to be with me anymore. It's not like I could live without him it's just-"

"Y/n? Who are you talking to?" It was my mother. Was I really talking that loud?

"Nobody! Just myself."

"You can talk to yourself in your head. Keep it down, it's weird. And go to sleep!"

"I don't have school tomorrow though!" Tired of the awkward back and forth of not quite shouting but not being quiet either, I walked to the door to reveal her small frame. She was short, I was already taller than her by the time I was twelve. I took a lot of my features from her, but I must've gotten the height from my father.

"Why don't you have school tomorrow?" she asked, not looking up to me because in her words 'I was still her baby and you don't look up to babies' or something like that.

"I think they said it was like a teacher's convention or something? I'm not really sure but they said we don't have school tomorrow and Friday."

"Lucky you. So what do you plan to do?"

"Study, clean. Maybe go on a walk." The studying part was a lie. Now that I wasn't on speaking terms with either of my study partners, I was completely on my own. It's not like I don't know what I'm doing, I just get distracted easily. As for the cleaning part, though, that was true. I mean, since I said I would, I basically have to if I don't want to get yelled at.

"Okay. Just don't sleep too late. I want to see you before I go for work tomorrow."

"Alright. Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight dear."

I closed the door when she left, going back to my laptop to scour the internet like a street rat searching for its next meal. Once I got bored of doing absolutely nothing, I contemplated whether I should go to sleep or not.

"It's only ten forty-ish. Is that late? I'll go to sleep at eleven, just to round it out." After getting ready for bed I slipped on my covers, preparing to do what I did on my laptop, just this time on my phone.

The twenty minutes I promised myself had come and gone. But it's not like it was my fault. These apps were designed to be very addictive! Soon my eyes had turned sour from my screen and I could barely focus on what I was doing. Taking these as obvious signs of fatigue I decided it was finally time do what my mother had asked me to and go to sleep.

I'm going to sidetrack here. You know when you want something you can never get it at that time but the second you don't care about it anymore that's when the universe decides to give it to you. That's exactly like people. Why is it when you're bored with nothing to do your phone will be dry as fuck but the second you want to study or, I don't know, sleep, that's when people want to start hitting you up? Like do they not see the time?

When I was about to put my phone away this very situation happened to me. I was so tired I didn't even want to look at it, thinking that I would deal with it in the morning. I'm not sure what possessed me at that moment but something told me to at least look at who was sending me messages at this hour. After seeing their name in my notifications that was the shock of life I needed to stay awake.

Keiji <3
do you want to come over tomorrow?

So we weren't over? He wasn't mad at me? I know I should've been mad since he'd been ghosting me but can I really? I did the same to him. Plus, I was counting the days, hours even since the last time we talked. I missed him, I really did. I just hoped he missed me too.

of course! what time?

Keiji <3
any time you want.
i'd prefer if it was before twelve though.
just message me before you arrive.
i miss you.
i want to talk to you.

My heart stopped. He did miss me! I had to control my excitement. I couldn't wake up my mother.

sounds good. i'll see you tomorrow then
goodnight keiji

Keiji <3
good night y/n

I can't wait for tomorrow.


A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora