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I felt as if there was a clock ticking, telling me that it was only a matter of time before Akaashi came back and started looking for me. I knew I had to make a choice.

"Right! I'll go right!"

Finally being able to make up my mind I took a sharp turn to the right, now able to continue my journey.

I just hope I made the right decis-


I fell to the ground as my right calf had been shot at and hit three times. I felt the sharp pain come and go in a flash while the more hot, painful feeling continued to come in waves. Although I had fallen I didn't stop moving, not for anything. I used my arms and left leg to propel me forward on the ground. My skin was getting cut up by the rough ground. I heard footsteps slowly approach me, followed by a low chuckle.

"Do you know how pathetic you look right now?" Akaashi asked in a mocking tone. "Still fighting, even though there's no point?" I ignored him and continued to crawl away.

"Hey... did you hear me? Why aren't you answering me? I know you heard me. I thought I told you to answer me when I ask you a question," he started to raise his voice. Still, I ignored him. I heard him mumble something under his breath before he walked away.

He came back a few moments later. I had barely moved from my original spot. The pain of being shot was starting to die down but so was the adrenaline it gave me. Soon I'm sure I won't even be able to crawl.

"Maybe this will jog your memory!" He dropped a large stone on my right hand, crushing it while laughing. I let out a shriek. I was surprised I even had the energy to do so. Still, I continued to crawl. I wasn't going to let it end. Not here and definitely not without a fight.

"You're really not gonna give up, huh? Well, that's no fun." Akaashi paced around while I continued to crawl. He clearly wasn't worried about me getting away seeing as I was severely handicapped.

"I know! How about I hunt you?"

Is he fucking serious? What am I, some wild animal that he kills as a sport?"

"But it won't be fun if I can catch up to you so soon... hmm...!" He threw down the gun beside my left hand. "Shoot me anywhere you want three times and we'll call it even. Just, not anywhere fatal."

This dude was fucking crazy.

Seeing as he finally said something of value I decided to stop crawling.

"That's my girl. I knew you would come around eventually. Now picky up the gun and shoot me."

Without any hesitation I grabbed the gun and aimed for his head.

"HEY! I thought I said not anywhere fatal. Don't waste your bullets." I lowered my aim to his legs. Might as well get him where he got me. And eye for an eye, am I right?

Although it was hard to do with my left hand, I was able to steady my aim on his right thigh.


I shot him there twice before moving to his left thigh.


Hopefully now neither of his legs would work.

"Great, great," he hissed. "You certainly didn't waste them. I'll give you a thirty minute head start, seeing as I know these woods like the back of my hand."

I wish I could say that I was able to immediately dash away but no. I had been shot thrice in the leg. Of course I'm not gonna be able to jump to my feet. I'd say it took me about ten minutes just to stand up and another five to finally hobble out of Akaashi view.

A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora