𝘖𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴¹₁

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Y/n's Pov


How did he find me? I mean I knew those arrows wouldn't fool him. Keiji- Akaashi's too smart for that. But I at least thought that maybe it'd be able to deter him, even for just a little while, just enough time for me to get to safety. He knows me all too well. I mean, he is- was my boyfriend. He knew me the best.

But no matter how smart he may or may not be, he still messed up. I heard him and I know that he knows. From my spot on the rock, I looked up to meet eyes with him for a split second, I nearly expected to be paralyzed with fear like in the dream, but I wasn't. To my surprise, my fight or flight kicked in and I ran, which I guess he wasn't expecting me to do since he seemed caught off guard when I did. What did he expect me to do? "Oh no, I've been found, might as well give up"? Like what?

Although I had been in these woods for damn near the whole day, I didn't have the slightest clue as to where I was going. I just knew that I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. But I had a few factors slowing me down:

For starters, I had injured my foot very badly. I had to tear some of the already skimpy gown I was wearing in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Much to my dismay, it hadn't stopped, hence why I stopped running to look at it when Akaashi found me. Speaking of my skimpy gown, I was cold. I had been outside for hours in nothing but the rag he Akaashi called clothing to cover my body. Lastly, I was so very tired. I had been running for hours upon hours with no shoes to protect my feet. I can't remember the last time I ate. These woods felt as if they never ended, but I knew they had to eventually.

I just had to keep running. I was able to outrun him for the past what? Eight, ten hours? I honestly couldn't tell you. For all I know it could have been thirty minutes and all the tragic events leading up to this one could've all happened today.

Or this could just be another dream.

I found myself hoping, praying that this is just one big hyperrealistic dream and that my mom will wake me up for school. But I knew that wasn't true. This dream... it hurt too much to be a dream. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, this was, for the time being, my reality. My terrible, torturous reality, with a maniac chasing after me.

I never thought this would actually happen to me. I know that abusive relationships exist, I'm not stupid, but to this extent? This shit only happens in movies, not real life! It doesn't happen to people. It doesn't happen to me.

Why me? Why was I so unlucky that of all the other guys that go to my school, I chose the most psychotic one to fall in love with? And he just had to happen to fall in love with me too?

I hate him. I hate him for putting me through this, for killing Konoha, for appearing in my dream, for calling me a cheater... for everything! I hate him and if I could kill him I'd kill him a hundred times over. I promise myself that I won't die until he's behind bars. And if I do die before then, I will be by my own hands, not his. I'll make sure to leave behind a trail of evidence so that even when I'm gone he'll still go down for what he's done. I'll come back as a ghost to haunt him in jail until the day that he dies.

But all that aside, I still have to run.

While I was doing all that thinking, he stopped running behind me, disappearing completely. I doubt that I was actually able to outrun him, seeing my current state compared to his. He was probably finding another route to go by. Akaashi said something about staying in a cabin near the woods as a child. I told him I wanted him to take me to that cabin one day. Now that he has, I wish I could take my words back.

But I can't take my words back, just like how he can't take his actions back. All I can do now is run. I was making turns at random, hoping that a higher power will be on my side. I kept pushing myself harder and harder, putting an insane amount of pressure on my body. Akaashi could come at me from any angle at any time. I was definitely tired, surprised that I hadn't hit the wall yet. It must be all the adrenaline. Once it wears off I'll probably pass out for hours from sheer exhaustion.

I saw the trees thinning out and felt my heart lift. I could hear the faint honk of a car, meaning that I was getting closer and closer to a road. I kept running, speeding up as I used this new found hope as my energy source. Breaking through the trees I started to see the road. I felt like a runner coming first in a race. I filled my lungs with air, ready to scream for help when

"No. No no no no no!"

I saw the cabin that I ran out of. The car I heard honking was long gone. I felt my eyes well up with tears, but I knew I couldn't cry. I turned around and headed in a straight line in the opposite direction, hoping that I'd eventually end up where I want to be, where I need to be.

But my energy was spent. My hope had been diminished. I felt myself slowing down, my body finally feeling the tiredness.

I slowed down to a walk. I couldn't go anymore. I couldn't take it. I just wanted to quit.

I heard something in the distance. It started out really faint, then got louder and louder. Where those... footsteps? I suddenly had all the energy I needed but it was too late. By the fourth stride of what would've been a sprint, Akaashi had tackled me from the side, holding me down.

"Please, please, let me go! Please, I'm begging you! I won't tell anyone I swear. I promise I won't-"

"Bullshit." He spat as he began picking me up. He threw me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes.

"I'm not lying I swear! I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" I wondered what I could say to soften his heart. What I could say that would please him. "I'm sorry for... cheating on you. I didn't want to, but I'm ready to love you now! So please, let's just go back to how things were before, okay?"

"We can't," his voice was softer than before. "I've... done too much."

"But the only people who know about it are you and me! I won't tell anyone Keiji, I promise! If neither of us say a thing-"

"You still love me? After everything I put you through?"

"Yes. I love you and I'll never stop loving you."

"So you can love me anywhere, right?"

Nervous as to where he was going with this, I continued with my lie. "Anywhere and everywhere, my love. To the very ends of the earth."

"Then you can love me here, in this cabin. Alone with me forever."


"C'mon, you didn't think that would actually work, did you? I'm not that stupid."

I started slamming my fists on his chest, trying to pry myself away from him. "Let me go! I hate you, you delusional pig! I hate you I hate you I hate you-"

And then I passed out.


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