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Akaashi's Pov

How could you already fuck up Keiji? She just woke up and you already fucked her over. She went eight days without food and you're just lengthening that. If she doesn't wake up it's your fault. You'll have no one else to blame but yourself.

You're nothing but a coward.

I stood over Y/n's bed and watched her sleep. I didn't want to wake her up because she seemed so peaceful when she was sleeping but I knew that for her health- and for my sanity- I'd have to wake her up so she could eat. I just wish that it could've been different. I wish I was better I wish-

What are you doing just standing there? Every minute she goes without food is another minute she's closer to complete starvation.

I was right. I needed to wake her up. I slowly approached her before I started to gently shake her.

No response.

I felt my pulse quicken and my palms get sweaty as I started to shake her more frantically. Was I already too late? Were those few minutes of consciousness all she had left? But she shouldn't be dead. Weak and hungry, yes, but the human body can go up to three weeks without any food. Maybe she's severely dehydrated? I tried force-feeding her water on the second day but she choked on it so I stopped.

But I saw her. I heard her just a few moments ago. She's still alive and if I know anything about Y/n it's that she's not quick to give up. Even if she knows she has a slim chance of winning she won't stop trying until the very end. But when I carried her back up the stairs she wasn't fighting. Had she already given up?

I felt my chest constrict and I found it hard to breathe. I clutched at my chest as it rose and fell rapidly. This couldn't be happening. Y/n, my Y/n, gone forever? I couldn't allow it. I started to feel hot tears stream down my face as I start crying again. I can't imagine living without her. These eight days without her voice were hell enough but a whole lifetime? That's not worth living.

With my tears turning my eyesight blurry I start to shake Y/n harder than before, my tears landing on her body.

"Y/n please wake up I'm sorry!" I sobbed. "I'll treat you right just please wake up please please I'm so sorry! Are you thirsty? I can get you water. Are you hungry? I can get you food. I'll get you anything you need just please wake up!"

At this point I was violently shaking her in a desperate attempt to wake her up. Thankfully my efforts were not in vain because she did eventually wake up.

Her eyes opened slowly and she looked confused. "Oh Y/n! Thank God you're okay. I was so worried that you were really gone this time. Come, before your food gets cold." I picked her up once more and went down the stairs with her. I sat her down back on the floor, roughly the same spot that she was before.

I opened the microwave and brought out her food, some store-bought fried rice, and gave it to her. I reached into the drawers and pulled out a spoon for her before returning to the fridge to bring her some water before setting these items in front of her as well.

"Do you need help feeding yourself?" She shook her head no. At least now I know that she still has her fighting spirit. She hasn't given up yet. This thought caused me to smile.

I sat down beside her and I watched her eat. Was she always this beautiful? I never really got to see her vulnerable but she is so lovely when she is.

I watched her eat her food and a wave of regret washed over me.

What was this all for? If I wanted to be close to her and watch her eat all I had to do was ask her on a date. She was already mine and I just ruined it. My girlfriend was mad at me and went to someone else to console her. I should've reached out and communicated with her. If I did, Konoha would still be alive. We would still be able to graduate next year. She would be healthy and our relationship would be flourishing. But no. I let my own paranoia get the best of me and ruined it all. I'm so stupid.

I'm such a loser.

I continued to stare at her while I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't notice that she was done until I finally decided to look at something other than her face.

"You're done? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just... wanted to sit here with you for a little bit," she responded shyly.

Was this true? She still wanted to spend time with me even after all I've put her through?

Maybe we could still work this out. Maybe we could go back to the way we were. Granted we could never return back home but maybe we could run away to some place fresh, somewhere far away from here. We could elope and live the rest of our days happily and pretend that none of this ever happened.

We could be happy.

All these possibilities, these maybes made me smile.

"I think I want to stay here with you too."

I think this is the start of something new.


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