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I woke up with puffy eyes, eye boogers that practically glued my eyes shut and a terrible headache. I spent so much of my day crying that my body couldn't take the exhaustion anymore and I fell asleep.

I had no clue for what time it was. I didn't know if the day when Akaashi dragged me down here was today or yesterday. There were no windows in this concrete prison of mine. The floor was cold, now wet with my tears.

I hated it here. Why? Why did he have to bring me down to the basement? Why did he deny suffocating me? To save his image? As if he can still do that. He should've thought about how I think of him before he kidnapped me. I just wanted to reconnect with him and I thought he did too. Little did I know that he hated me. No, not hated, he just didn't care.

But a person who doesn't care wouldn't go through all this trouble would they-


I hear something from upstairs. Are those... voices? Akaashi could just be watching the tele but this sounds too close to be it. Could he have someone over? In this murder house? The voices were muffled, one belonging to the monster upstairs and one oddly familiar, but I couldn't place it.

Trying to ignore the pounding in my head, I pushed my tears towards a drain in the floor, just until it got to the dip in the concrete.

I sat in my solitude for I'm not sure how long, not waiting for anything in particular. The voices upstairs had ceased, but the ones in my head hadn't.

Get out get out get out.

Don't you think if I could, I would?

They were just making my headache ten times worse. I wanted to kill Akaashi a hundred times over for putting me through this for seemingly no reason. But I couldn't do anything to hurt him, not physically anyway. He's shown me yesterday- today maybe- that he can easily overpower me, no matter how much I struggle and fight back.

I sat and waited, not for anything in particular, just waited. There really was nothing else to do. It felt like I was waiting forever until I heard the basement door open again.

"Hi, Y/n," Akaashi smiled at me, leaning down towards me. "How are feeling?" Is this a joke? He's joking right? I mean there's no way he could be serious. How am I feeling? How am I feeling?! I felt my anger about to vocalize but I was able to hold my tongue. Instead I just looked at him, putting as much hate into my eyes as possible.

And then he hit me. Slapped me right across the face. I didn't notice until he did that he was holding something hard and metal, but it hurt like a bitch. "You're nothing but a slut anyway. Why would I care how a slut feels?" He kept driving the word slut in, as if he was trying to make a point. He was my first boyfriend, and we didn't even get to that stage yet. How am I a slut?

"I have someone here. Maybe you heard, maybe you didn't. Either way they're very important to you, I know. So don't fuck this up." With that he put a gag on me, the same one I'm assuming he used to hit me, and disappeared back upstairs.

I sat there in silence once again, going over what had just happened in my head.

How are you gonna kidnap someone, drag them by their hair to a basement and then ask if they're okay?! Is this guy for real? And then when I don't answer he fucking hits me? Swear if I knew he was this type of guy I would've never looked his way. The fuck is wrong with him?! Hitting women? As a guy? Shame upon all shames to him. Even if he kills me, I can't wait until he goes to prison for this. He's gonna get the crap beat out of him once the other inmates hear what he did. He's such... he's such a bitch! Calling me a slut! What are you even talking about?! I've never even been with anyone and you know it!

A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now