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Konoha was getting on Akaashi's last nerve. Yeah, usually the ash blonde would be a total dick but not in a 'I'm actually about to steal your girlfriend' kind of way. He would be an asshole in a 'bro' type of way, you know?

But ever since last week when Y/n completely denied Akaashi, she's been rather close to Konoha. A little too close for comfort is what Akaashi saw. Why would she be so buddy-buddy with him and not her own boyfriend?

All this thinking wasn't good for him, he was sure of it. He didn't want to jump to conclusions here, but c'mon, it was clear as day what was going on here. She denies his touch just to immediately run to some older, cooler, stronger... to some other dude?! The whole situation just seemed way too convenient to Akaashi.

It was probably the reason she looked so guilty that day. But Y/n was no cheater! Even when it came to tests. Akaashi couldn't count the number of times he tried to help her cheat and she turned him down. So why would she cheat on him? He knew that their relationship wasn't going to last forever because that just wasn't realistic. But he didn't want it to end so soon. He really liked Y/n, loved even and he didn't want to see her with another guy ever.

He just had to reassure himself that Y/n was not that kind of girl, which he knew was true! It's not that Akaashi didn't trust Y/n, it's that he didn't trust Konoha. You know the effect where as soon as someone gets in a relationship everybody wants them? Well, that's exactly what happened the moment Akaashi and Y/n started dating.

At first, Konoha didn't even acknowledge her existence and when he did it was all negative attention. It seemed like he hated her for no good reason, just being mean to her for the sake of being mean. Tripping her, 'accidentally' spiking balls at her head, the basic bullying things. He was unusually cruel to her and her alone. But the second Akaashi told him that was his girlfriend his attitude about her did a 180. Suddenly he was all over her, being so overly nice that she even once complained about him to Akaashi.

But Y/n, bless her soul, was too nice to ever voice any of this to Konoha. She assumed that he realised what a jerk he was being and decided to change his ways.

So when Akaashi saw he and Y/n being all close the past week, you could say he was a little more than pissed.

But it's not like he saw Konoha as a threat or anything. Like at all. Yeah, Y/n said something about liking older guys back in junior high but that was such a long time ago! Her tastes probably changed. She also liked tall guys and, compared to Konoha and the rest of the team- save for Komi- he was on the shorter side. But he was still confident that Y/n would always pick him over the ash-blonde any day.

She also liked blondes.

He thought for a moment before it finally hit him, the question that could potentially make him snap:

Why were they getting so close in the first place? They had no reason to. She wasn't that close with any of Akaashi's other friends, so why exclusively Konoha? They had nothing in common. No classes, no extracurriculars, nothing. They only had Akaashi in common and ever since he and Y/n started dating he's been extra protective of her, so they had no reason, no reason at all to be that close and yet look at them. Practically a couple.

But Konoha wasn't a threat. He was just an... issue.


A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now