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I sat up in the bed, my head was absolutely killing me. My whole body was sore to the point where I couldn't even be bothered to open my eyes. I was confused as to where I was. The last thing I remember was tending to my foot and then- nothing. With my eyes still closed I tried to re-count my steps in an attempt to find out how I ended up in a bed but my head hurt too much to do any remembering. So instead I thought.

Thinking is always something I liked to do and when Akaashi held me captive it was the only thing I could do. This time however I wasn't thinking for entertainment but rather to try and fill in blanks.

If I was in a bed I clearly was out of the woods. Best case scenario the police found me and they were waiting for me to wake up to question me. Worst case scenario Akaashi found me. Not wanting to be too optimistic but not wanting to be a pessimist either I opted for a middle ground. I could've passed out and someone else living in the area found me before Akaashi did and brought me back to their abode. Even if it was a creepy old man I'd rather take him over Akaashi any day.

Anyone was better than Akaashi.

I felt my heart thump as I prepared to open my eyes, my hands getting clammy with sweat as I sat in anticipation to see what lay before me. I felt my body tremor as-


Fuck. My. Life.

I felt any sense of hope I once had fly out the door when I heard my name come from that monster's mouth. How I wished for anything but a familiar voice. But unfortunately for me the world still wants to fuck me over. My heart and face dropped when I finally opened my eyes to confirm what my ears were hearing.

"Oh Y/n I'm so glad you're okay! You weren't waking up and I was so scared!" Akaashi practically threw himself at me before I even had the chance to even fully process what was going on.

Was this fucker serious? 'I'm so glad you're okay'? Who does he think he's fooling? And was he... crying? Oh fuck no there's no fucking way. Is he actually insane? Could he even be bipolar? He continued to ramble about nonsense when he said something that grabbed my attention.

"Wait," my voice came out hoarse. I was weaker than I had hoped. "How long did you say I was asleep for?"

"A week and one day," he answered, wiping away tears that I knew were fake.

"That long?"

"Yes but that's not important right now. What's important is that you're okay. I missed you so much that words can't even begin to describe the week I've had. I was so worried that you'd be gone forever and that I'll never see you again and-"

"And whose fault would that be?" I muttered to myself, the words slipping out before I even had a chance to properly think about what I was saying.

"Excuse you?" I stayed quiet, not wanting to make things worse for myself. "Mind saying that again?" I turned my face away from him. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze knowing the fear it would strike into me.

"Hey... look at me when I'm talking to you..." He approached me before slowly climbing on the bed, grabbing my face to force me to look at him.

"I thought I told you to answer when I ask you something. Or do I need to remind you of what happened last time?"

My eyes were open wide with fear. Tears were swelling up in my water line and I felt my body start to shake. As if a switch was flipped inside him Akaashi's entire demeanour changed as he let go of me and retired from the bed.

"Of course you don't remember. You just woke up from an eight day sleep. Keiji, you already messed up, how could you be so dumb!" He continued to ridicule himself until he turned his attention back to me.

"Oh, Y/n! I've only been thinking of myself this whole time. You must be hungry. Come, I'll make you food." He picked me up from the bed and started to carry me out of the room and down a flight of stairs. He brought me to another small room that had a table-top stove, a microwave and a mini-fridge. This must've been his 'kitchen'. It looked like it was once a beautiful room where a family shared memories but now? Now it was grey with age and the few appliances were rusty. I wasn't sure if they would even work.

Akaashi dropped me on the floor in the middle of the room seeing as there was no table or chairs, just counters where the appliances sat. He pecked me on the forehead before retreating to the mini-fridge.

"Hmm... What're you in the mood for? Sure, I don't have much but there's still quite the variety."

I tried answering but seeing as my voice was still raspy he must've not heard me. As he turned around to face me because of my lack of answer my whole body tensed up in fear. He slowly approached me and bent down so he was on my level.

"What was that dear? I didn't quite catch that."

"Water," I replied horsley.

"OH! Of course, right away!" He went back into the fridge and came back with a bottle of water. He opened it for me and assisted me in pouring the cool liquid down my throat.

"Now, what would you like to eat my love?"

Could he cool it with these nicknames? It's seriously getting annoying. "Whatever is fine."

"Okay. Whatever you say." He swiftly went into the fridge and brought out a plastic container before popping it in the microwave.

"Now, all you have to do is wait. You can do that, right Y/n?" I nodded in response before saying a quick 'yes'.

"Good. While you wait, let me tell you about the week I've had. I don't think I went a single day without crying. God, was your absence hard on me. I even promised to kill myself if you didn't wake up-"

Akaashi continued rambling and I continued to tune him out. Was he always this self centered? If I knew he was I would've never liked him. But these past two, maybe three weeks have shown me that I didn't know much about him at all. The more I thought about his selfishness the more angry I got. How did he somehow manage to spin this situation so much that he seems like the victim here? What type of mental gymnastics was he doing? Finally hearing enough of his voice I decided to interject him.

"Yeah, some week you've had." Again, I spoke out of turn.

"... You don't know what you're saying. I think it's time you go back to bed." His face now looked dark, his once cheery attitude gone. He picked me up again and started towards the stairs. Normally I would fight back but all the fight had already left me.

As we ascended the stairs I started to get a little more drowsy, even though for the past week I've allegedly done nothing but sleep. When we finally got in the room Akaashi tucked me in before giving me another peck of the forehead. He mumbled something incoherent.

The last thing I heard before it faded to black was the microwave beeping.


A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now