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I felt as if there was a clock ticking, telling me that it was only a matter of time before Akaashi came back and started looking for me. I knew I had to make a choice.

"Left! I'll go left!"

Finally being able to make up my mind I took a sharp turn to the left, now able to continue my journey.

I just hope I made the right decision.


I don't know how long I've been walking in this same damn direction. Believe me I wish I did. I'm starting to get the feeling that I made the wrong choice.

My skin was all scratched up and bloody. I was dehydrated and tired so I decided to take a break. I found an old tree stump conveniently placed and ungracefully plopped down on it.

"Here I was thinking I wouldn't be here for long," I muttered to myself

The sun had already gone down and it was now completely dark. I could hardly see a few feet in front of me, let alone if I was close to freedom or not. I opened the fanny pack I stole and drank the last few drops of my water. I used the bandaids to cover my shallow wounds and lit a match to keep me warm and provide some light.

I shouldn't be here! I didn't deserve what happened to me and I certainly don't deserve to die in these damn woods!

I felt tears well up in my eyes, causing my vision to go blurry as the gravity of my current situation finally sank in.

I might never leave.

I might not ever make it out of here alive! And when I die of starvation or dehydration or hypothermia or whatever, will anyone ever find my body? Or will I just decay, my case forever going cold and Akaashi getting to go free? My mother, never knowing if I'm alive or dead won't be able to cope with the loss of her daughter and-

I can't keep thinking like this. If I'm going to make it out I have to be optimistic. I was more hopeful on my first attempt and I still got caught. What makes me think that being any more negative will give me a greater advantage?

I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. I stood up and dusted off my pants, about to continue down the road I've paved for myself with hope, the left road, when I heard a twig snap behind me.

No no no no no no not again! Please not again!

I remembered this scene all too clearly. I'm alone in the woods. I've been in them for hours. It's dark outside. I'm tired. I'm resting. I hear a twig snap. I don't need to look to know who's come for me.

Without turning to see who had stumbled upon me I sprint with all my energy in the opposite direction. I knew that this time if he caught me I wouldn't survive to see the sunrise.

I ignored my increasing fatigue and kept pushing myself forward. I had to survive. I needed to survive. I've endured too much, seen too much to die now! I owe it to myself. I owe it to Konoha. I owe it to my mother.

Unfortunately for me though, my best wasn't enough. I was tired and he clearly wasn't. We were both pumped with adrenaline but unlike me Akaashi continued with regular exercise for these past five hundred and eighteen days. My muscles on the other hand only got weaker because of the lack of nourishment and lack of exercise. I was chained up so much I'm surprised I didn't forget how to walk.

I was beat so much I'm surprised I'm still here.

He lunged at me, throwing his entire body weight on me. Akaashi pressed me down to the ground, holding me down while I continued to fight.

A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now