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Five hundred sixteen days. For five hundred and sixteen days I've been in this house. For five hundred and eight days I've been complacent. And for one hundred ninety eight I've been planning my escape. In two days it will mark my five hundred and eighteenth day in my personal hell.

And the day I escape.

Everything is planned perfectly. The only thing that could go wrong is my own death and honestly?

I wouldn't mind that.

He must be the dumbest person on earth if he truly believes that I could've ever actually forgiven him. He lures me from my home, pushes me down the stairs before subjecting me to months of abuse and starvation. He trains me like a Pavlov dog so that every action I do benefits him even if it negatively impacts me. He does irreversible psychological and physical damage to me. And what? He thinks I'm going to forgive him?

Fuck that.

Fuck the idea of forgive and forget. Fuck the idea that people can change because they 'deeply regret their actions'. Fuck the idea that I owe him shit because he provided me with somewhere to stay, bathed me, clothed and fed me. I had those things in my own home.

His 'shelter' was only built because he wanted to control me. He blocked out everything from the outside world, building physical and mental borders so that even when we went out in public I didn't have the guts to try anything.

His 'food' was drugged half the time. Rather it be sleeping pills, laxatives or even on the rare occasion an aphrodisiac the food was clean maybe a total of twenty times. Out of the one thousand two hundred meals he offered me and the one thousand fifty I actually ate, maybe twenty weren't drugged.

Everything about him was control. If he wasn't in control of what I ate, did, said or wore it was a problem. If he couldn't have absolute control over me he would lash out.

So I gave up. My fighting spirit was crushed and for nearly a year I was ready to accept that as my new reality.

And the worst part?

This was all because of a miscommunication we had.

When he had already done the unthinkable, that's when he decided it was time to use his words to express his hurt rather than his actions. Then he let me say my piece. I wish he hadn't.

I told him about the dream that had started it all. About how for some unknown reason I had an irrational fear of my own boyfriend. I became paranoid. I told him about all my other dreams I had about him and how real they felt.

And he used them against me. He would try to disguise his horrible behaviour by saying nothing ever happened and that I must've dreamt it. He would tell me that I ended up in this situation because of my paranoia and that everything that happened to me was my fault. The only reason that I didn't escape sooner is because he had me questioning my own sanity for so long that I couldn't even trust myself anymore. I didn't think I had the capability to even think up a feasible escape plan, let alone execute it.

So I stayed. I did everything he told me to. Whatever I could do to make him happy I would do, no matter how uncomfortable or disgusted it made me.

Until nearly two hundred days ago. A couple weeks before then I noticed that he became more lenient with me. Leaving me at home for long periods of time. Unlocking my bedroom door and letting me roam around the house. Sometimes he even let me watch television. I saw that my case had gone cold long ago. I decided to use this new found freedom to my advantage.

But soon he changed. When I became stronger he let me dress and bathe myself, although he was still in control of what I wore. Akaashi has spent an enormous amount of money on me, trying to make me feel comfortable. Bed spreads, pillows, dresses, you name it and he most likely bought it. This would be sweet in any other context but it's just creepy when you take into consideration the situation I'm in.

As I mentioned before, Akaashi bought me many dresses. I remember one day, around one hundred eighty days ago he told me to put on the pretty white dress that he likes. In my personal opinion I thought it was frumpy and ugly but I put it on anyway. Or at least I thought I put it on.

Turns out he meant the other white dress that he had bought me the day prior. How was I supposed to know that he had already grown fond of it? Needless to say, any ounce of freedom I had was ripped away from me.

He screamed in my face for hours about how I betrayed him, how I'm planning on leaving him and what not. So he tied me to the closet in 'my' room and left me there for two weeks. I think he forgot about me because when he did let me out he asked me what I was doing there.

I swear something's wrong with that boy.

Well, something else.

Slowly he reintroduced my 'freedom' but kept a close eye on me. He started talking about renovating the house to make it more homely.

Eventually he scrapped that idea and decided to move altogether.

The sudden idea to move was so unlike him. I wanted to do some digging but decided against it for fear of what he would do to me if he found out. So I made a guess: I think that either the police or someone else got re-interested in my case and I assume that they got too close for Akaashi's comfort and that's why he's so desperate to leave.

He says he's been planning on moving with me for a long time and just saw an opportunity to do so, so he gave up on renovation.

I don't buy it.

But what do I know? My guess is nothing more than just that: a guess. For all I know he could be telling the truth.

We're supposed to move in five days. I think it's now or never. He's leaving the house way more without me, supporting my idea that someone is still looking for me. In two days he says he's going to clean up the house and move most of the furniture inside. I think he told me that just to see if I would try anything. Just to be safe I asked if I could come along and acted all sad when he said no.

Hopefully he was stupid enough to buy it.

Akaashi has gone to the house before and I know it's at least a five hour round trip. Him moving things should only lengthen it. I have plenty of time to escape.

It's just those woods holding me back. I've tried escaping through them before and failed miserably.

But it'll be different this time.

This time I'll make it.

This time I'll escape.


A. Keiji - Cheater ✓Where stories live. Discover now