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Akaashi's Pov

I expected her to come quietly. Before our little 'break' she would've. I wonder where she got so smart? Probably from all the time she's been spending with Konoha. They're not very good at hiding how close they've been getting. I know he's been feeding her lies about me.

But it's fine. Now he won't be able to get to her. He won't be able to get to anyone soon.

Y/n would've never suspected me of anything before. But once she saw how determined I was to get her into the basement something changed in her, I could see it in her eyes. She knew something bad was down there, all the little excuses I made. It's still impressive, nonetheless.

I didn't want to deal with her right now, but I had no other choice. If she was telling the truth and her mother was coming home early today, though I doubt it as it has never happened before, that gives me only a small window of time to put the next step in motion. I couldn't keep her in my basement. My parents lived here and were bound to find her locked in there one way or another. So two weeks ago, when I finally decided on this plan, I found a place. Dirt cheap, shady man sold it to me for less than 100k yen. I paid in cash and he didn't even ask for my name. I made sure the purchase couldn't be traced back to me, but just in case I wore brown contacts and a brown wig.

I went back upstairs to my room to get the bag that I had already packed the day prior. It included toiletries, spare clothes, cash and the same brown wig and contacts I wore that day. I was going to make it look like I ran away. I would do the same with Y/n. The police will find out about our relationship and assume we're together. Then, I'll come back alone and when I'm questioned I'll say that I wasn't with her. They'll keep looking for her and if they get too close to finding her, I'll move the location.

I had everything planned out. I couldn't risk getting caught. Already I would be charged with battery. I was too far in.

Going back downstairs I headed towards the garage. I wasn't lying when I said my car was in there. I placed my bag in the trunk along with... other supplies before I debated if I should bring Y/n with me on the trip to her house, rather than coming back for her later. The fall must've made her pass out, right? Plus, I really didn't want to make more trips than necessary. Okay, I'll get her now.

On my way to the basement my heart started to pound faster, my hands becoming slightly sweaty. What was I doing? I wasn't a criminal. I can't do this. And yet still, my legs didn't stop the descent that would change my life- and Y/n's- forever.

I reached the bottom of the stairs to- fuck she's bleeding. That's a lot of blood. Shit! I should've checked her before I just left her here. Keiji you're such an idiot! "Okay... um fuck towels! Towels. I need towels." I turned back around to run to the washroom. "Shit, shit shit shit shit!" I ran down the basement steps, nearly tripping over them trying to reach her as soon as possible. I mentally thanked myself for wanting to bring her with me. Who knows how much she might've bled out if I left her? I didn't want her to die. I just wanted her to be mine again.

I struggled to make a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding. My hands were shaking so much. I was already regretting my decisions when-

"Keiji? What's going on? My head hurts."


"You just took a fall down the stairs, that's all. But don't worry, I'll help you get better." She was still disorientated from her fall. Good. I could exploit this situation and take advantage of her in this vulnerable state.

No, not like that.

People who do that are disgusting things that don't deserve to call themselves human like the rest of us who have a little decorum. My morals may not be the best right now, but I'm not some swine like the rest of them.

"Oh, that's good. So you're taking me to the hospital?"

"Uh yes! I just didn't want you bleeding too much, that's all. Now come follow me into the car and we'll get you fixed up, okay?"

I couldn't believe my luck! She was believing every word I was saying, making ten times easier by even suggesting lies I should tell her. Now this, this is the Y/n I fell in love with.

With one hand on the towel covering where she was bleeding and the other on the small of her back, I escorted her into the garage where the car was. I opened the passenger side door for her.

"We'll be at the hospital soon, okay? Just hang tight."

The whole time I was driving to her house I was on edge. What if someone saw us in the car together?

When I reached her street I didn't pull up to her driveway. Instead I parked a little farther back.

"Y/n, what's your garage code?"


"I need to pack a bag for you while you're at the hospital. You hit your head. It could be a long visit. What's your garage code?"

"So we're not going to the hospital?"

"Didn't you hear me? We are I just, fuck just what's the code, Y/n?"

"It's 5769."

"Thank you. Now don't leave the car, okay? I'll be back in five minutes."

I closed the door behind me before I walked as fast as I could without causing suspicion to her house. Punching in the code for the garage, I walked inside calmly. After I was sure no one could see me, I ran inside the house. I didn't bother closing the door. I would be in and out.

I raced upstairs to her room. I went to her closet where she kept all of her spare bags, then began filling one up: clothes, toothbrush, face wash. I just grabbed anything and everything that looked important. When I was feeling confident in what I had collected, I ran back outside, closing the garage behind me.

I tried to walk back to the car like nothing had happened, but I could barely contain my nerves. I opened the car door.

"Hey, Y/n, I brought you your... stuff."

She was gone.

I looked around frantically.

She was already halfway down the street.

Dropping the bag I raced after her. She turned around to meet my gaze.

I've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes before.

I finally caught up to her, grabbing her around her shoulders and pulling her down. Now we were both seated on the sidewalk. "Y/n, why'd you run? I thought I told you to stay in the car?" I tried sounding sweet, but it came out more aggressive than I had hoped.

"Because you pushed me down the stairs! Let me go, you psycho!" Why did she remember? I didn't have time to think of that since now she had started screaming. I knew if I didn't shut her up now people would come out to see what's going on so for the second time today, the second time ever, I put my hands on a woman.

I had her in a chokehold. I just needed her to pass out, that's all. I just needed her to be quiet. I knew that in order for someone to pass out you'd have to choke them for three minutes.

Those were the worst three minutes of my life.


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