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Konoha's Pov

L/n's voice sounded so happy over the phone. Whenever she talked to me it was for either one of two reasons: for homework help (which was rarely ever, since her boyfriend was a genius and an over-achiever, but there were just some things only an upperclassman could answer) or to talk about Akaashi, which was happening a lot more lately.

She could go on for hours and hours about how absolutely perfect he was. Going off of the way she talked about him it was easy to see that he treated her like a queen and I was happy for her.

"But recently, it's been awkward," her tone had suddenly changed. I was no longer able to detect a smile when she spoke.

"Awkward... how?"

"I had a dream. One that made me uncomfortable around him." Dream? What type of dream could make L/n, a girl who was hopelessly in love with Akaashi, suddenly not want to be around him?

"It was one of those weird lucid dreams, where you know you're dreaming but can't do anything about it and everything around you's all distorted and... off. But it didn't start that way. At first it was just a regular dream, one that felt a little too real.

"Akaashi was holding my waist, which is normal for us, until he started to squeeze. I told him to stop but that only made him squeeze harder. Seeing that he wasn't going to help me, I tried to pry his hands off of me but it didn't work. And I felt like I couldn't breathe? Like, I thought that I was actually going to die. It was so scary Konoha you don't even know. So in the dream I couldn't breathe so I eventually passed out in the dream. I know, it's weird but stay with me. I then woke up in my bed so at first I was like 'cool, I'm awake now' but I still couldn't breathe and I couldn't move either so now I'm like shit I have sleep paralysis or whatever and I expected to see some monster but no it was Akaashi, just standing in my room in front of my mirror, watching me suffocate yet again. And then everything went black."

I just sat on the other end of the line, trying to process what she had just told me. "So he didn't help you, like, at all?"

"No, he just watched me choke in both of the dreams."

"So that's why you won't let him touch you?" I asked myself more than her, but she still took the liberty of answering.

"Yeah. It's just really weird. And since I don't know what it means it's kind of psyching me out, you know?"

Another moment of silence. After taking the time to rehash everything she told me again in my mind, I finally spoke up. "L/n?"


"Would you like me to tell you what it means?" I asked this question warily, since from what I could tell she might not be happy with my answer.

"You would do that?"

"Yeah of course. But-"

"Wait, my mother's calling me. You'll have to tell me later, but over text. I'll message you when I'm free, okay?"

"Uh, sure. Bye, L/n."

"Bye, Konoha," she replied before hanging up the phone, leaving me to sit with my thoughts, a potential problem forming. Depending on how she reacts, this could be the last time I talk to her for a while.


hi, i can talk now

It was nearly midnight by the time she finally got back to me. I was about to go to sleep and it took me a while before I remembered why she wanted to talk in the first place.

okay so don't get mad for what i'm about to say


Damn. When it actually came to it it was so much more awkward than I expected.

so you said you had a dream where akaashi basically
strangled you and another where he watched you suffocate?

but why would i be mad?

i think that that's how you feel
your subconscious at least
that you feel like akaashi is suffocating you

he's not though

just listen
is everything okay in the relationship?

why wouldn't it be??

does he ever say anything that makes you uncomfortable?
any comments you might not like?

no but this conversation is

that wasn't my intention
i'm sorry
read 11:58pm

It's officially the last time I talk to her for a loooong time.

I'm never helping anyone ever again.


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