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Y/n's Pov

Again, I awoke because of an uncomfortable pressure I felt on my chest. But unlike before, it wasn't constant. Every few seconds more force was added on, suffocating me even more. I opened my eyes to see what was going on only to see Akaashi pushing violently on my chest.

It didn't make sense, if he wanted to kill me via suffocation, wouldn't he go for my neck? That would definitely be quicker, would it not? This felt like he was intentionally trying to torture me.

As if he could read my mind, he suddenly grabbed hold of my neck, applying the force of what felt like a hundred and one men on my neck. This whole time I was calm, not moving for whatever reason. I just... laid there letting him brutally assault me. Maybe it was because I knew there was no point trying to fight against him. He didn't look like it, but he was actually pretty strong.

I let him do what he wanted until we made eye contact. Those gunmetal blue eyes, the same ones that I once loved, stared back into my e/c ones. There was no emotion behind his eyes, no regret, resentment, guilt.

Not even love.

His eyes on mine were so chilling that I felt my whole body jolt, my fight or flight kicking in. I started to violently thrash my body around, clawing at his face. This must've caught him off guard because for a moment he let go of me. I used this as an opportunity to jump out of bed and run for the door. I started hearing voices telling me to get out and I would listen to them.

But, I should've known it wouldn't be that easy.

Akaashi grabbed my hair and forcefully dragged me down, but I struggled and managed to keep myself from falling. I wasn't going to die, not like this. Not now. Not by his hands. Unfortunately for me when he realized that I wasn't going down that easily, he frustratedly brought his hand high before landing a vigorous blow to my head.


I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, in a room that wasn't mine, wearing lingerie that wasn't mine.

Did he move me back to the bed after knocking me unconscious?

I heard the door as it slowly creaked open, those black locks that I was growing to fear crept around it, Akaashi making his way into the room.

"Hey Y/n," he asked while slowly approaching me. "You sleep okay?"

Did I sleep okay? Did I sleep okay?! What type of question was this? He, quite literally, tried to kill me. And now he has the audacity to ask if I slept okay?!

Although I was filled with rage at that moment, I kept my mouth shut for fear of what he might do to me. Well, what else he might do to me.

He soon made it to the bed I was on and invited himself to sit on it. Almost instinctively I tried to move my body away from him, only to realize I was cuffed to the bed frame. He must've done that after I tried to escape last night.

"Hey," he spoke up again, this time his tone seemed as if he was annoyed. "I asked you a question. I expect you to answer." I've never seen this side to Akaashi before. Sure, he could be serious at times but this is different. He's never been commanding like this before.

"I'll ask you again. Did you sleep okay?" I nodded my head. "That's what I like to hear." He got off the bed slightly, approaching me as I lay here.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed. Akaashi looked taken aback from my sudden outburst. "Y-you tried to kill me!"

"Kill you? Y/n I would never try such a thing, let alone actually go through with it." He sounded offended that I would even bring that up.

"You did! I saw you last night. I felt it."

"Last night? Y/n... did you have another dream?"

More like nightmare.

"It wasn't a dream, it was real and I know it! You tried to suffocate me to death and when that didn't work you knocked me unconscious! Then you cuffed me to this bed so I wouldn't try and run away!"

"Y/n the only time I came to check on you, you were sleeping. Yes, I admit I might've lingered more than I should've but I did not try to kill you! As for the cuffs, I linked you to the bed the moment you arrived, not in the middle of the night and not because you tried to escape! So I have no clue what you're talking about, but the events you're explaining, never happened."

"You're a liar! Why should I believe you?! You fucking kidnapped me for Christ sake!"

"I'm not ly-"


Akaashi slammed his fist against the wall. "You're gonna learn how to fucking listen, okay?" A sick smile started to form on his lips. "And I have just the thing to keep you in check."

He unlocked the cuffs that chained me to the bed before grabbing hold of my hair, dragging me off the bed by it. The pain was so unbearable I couldn't help but make incoherent pleas for him to release me, but he didn't listen. Tears were streaming down my face, my wails loud and painful to hear but I couldn't stop.

He opened a door that revealed stairs leading to a basement.

Not again.

Not another basement.

"Please please anything but t-that please!" I managed to cry out, but he either didn't hear me or he didn't care. I'm guessing the ladder.

Akaashi dragged me down the stairs by my hair, each step more painful than the last. When we finally reached level ground he dragged me to a pole in the middle of the unfinished basement, away from anything that could've aided my escape.

He finally let go of my hair just to chain my leg to the pole, the rest of my body still able to move around. He was about to leave when I grabbed onto his leg, clinging onto it desperately. I looked into his lifeless eyes, mine pleading for him to let me go. I gripped onto his leg with all my might, soiling his pant leg with my never ending stream of tears.

"Let go of me, bitch!" he yelled as he kicked me away from him, my body now meeting the floor, my tears making a small pool under my face.

Clearly annoyed by my sobs, Akaashi leant down to my level. "Hey hey, Y/n. I have a surprise for you tomorrow. You like surprises, right?" I couldn't respond. "Y/n," he said again sternly, my name sounding like a curse coming from him. I nodded my head in response.

"Good, good. So, I'll give you the surprise only if you stop crying. Can you stop crying for me?" I choked down my tears and nodded again, trying my best to not even hiccup out of pure fear.

"That's what I like to hear. Now, I'm gonna be upstairs, and I better not hear a peep out of you, got it?" Again I nodded.

I watched as he moved towards the stairs, a cold expression on his face. I heard him climb the steps and shut the door, locking it behind him. When I was certain he was gone, I silently cried to myself, wondering where it all went wrong.


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