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December 9th, 2021

"Mm," the soft noise escapes Alycia's lips as the car rolls over a bump. The Australian girl slightly picks up her head and her hand, gently rubbing her eyes that felt heavy of tiredness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Y/n's voice spoke, keeping her left hand on top of the steering wheel, her eyes briefly looking out of the corner of her eye to Alycia. The Australian doesn't respond, however. Instead, she sits up in her seat, dropping her hand into her lap and letting her green eyes roam the area around them. It was pitch black out. The headlights on the car shining bright in front of them on an empty road.

"What time is it?" Alycia asks, letting a low yawn form.

"2 a.m.," Y/n responds, taking a quick glance to the clock before looking back at the road. "There's a gas station next exit I was going to pull off at. If you need to use the restroom." Alycia slowly nods her head, leaning her head back before pulling her feet up on the seat, wrapping her arms around her knees. "Alycia?"

Slowly, the girl turns her head to the captor, meeting their side profile. "Hm?" She hummed out.

"Did you hear what that marshal said?" Alycia slowly nods her head up and down. Y/n peaks out the corner of her eye, seeing the brunette nod. "He's right. I shouldn't, you were at the right place wrong time. You are innocent in all of this. That fear you have in your eyes anytime you look at me or I look at you, it's not something you should... You shouldn't be in this position, but I can't just let you go. You know who I am now. You know things that the outside world can't know."

"I think we both know I wouldn't tell on you. I just saved your ass and didn't call 911..." Alycia's voice trails as she tears her eyes from Y/n. A silence forming in the air between the two as Y/n pulls the car over to the exit, following the signs till they come up to the almost empty gas station. The only car there was the worker. A low breath escapes Alycia's lips as the bright lights burned her eyes. She dropped her head a moment as the car came to a stop, the engine turned off.

"Go to the restroom while I fill the gas," Y/n says, opening up the driver's door getting out. Alycia nods, picking her head up slightly and opening the door. Pain shoots through her arm, but she shakes her head, like that would somehow get rid of the pain. She slowly gets up out of the car, shouting the car door. The girl glances briefly over her shoulder to Y/n who pays no attention to her. The Australian looks away, slowly making her way across the parking lot to the convenient store.

Upon arriving to the door, she could feel eyes on the back of her. She knew it was Y/n, so she didn't bother to look. Instead, she placed her left hand on the door and pushed it open. The sound of the little bell above the door ringing causing the girl to flinch. The soft sound of music plays over the intercom inside the little store as Alycia enters. Her head was kept down, barely looking up to find directions to the restroom. And when she finds it, she speeds up a bit till she pushes the door open and closes it, locking the door.

A deep heavy breath escapes from her lips as she leans against the door, shutting her eyes a moment. But once that moments up she slowly pushes herself from the door, opening her eyes. There she's met with an old, run-down bathroom. It wasn't the cleanest. There were flies swarming one corner of the bathroom, but Alycia shook her head, knowing this was her chance to actually use the restroom. She goes over to the toilet, reaching up her hands and unbuttoning her jeans and unzipping them. She slides them down a bit followed with her underwear before taking a seat. Her piss comes fast, and she wipes just as quickly then stands. Pulling her panties and jeans back up. The girl buttons and zips quick then flushes, heading to the sink.

The water turns on as Alycia gets some soap. She carefully runs her hands together to be met with a bandage on her left arm. Alycia stares at it, her eyes heavy before placing her hands into the water, flinching at the warmness of it. Her eyes close pulling her hands out, but gradually puts them back in liking the feel of the water.

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