CHAPTER 11 - Goodnight

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"Bye!" you waved with a smile before the door closed.

The trip back was peacefully quiet and now, here you were, placing your sleeping sisters onto their beds. The boys had already brushed their teeth and wished you goodnight so all you had to do now was brush your teeth yourself.

After doing that, you took off your glasses and also washed your face. You didn't bother putting your glasses on after that because it would've been uncomfortable anyway with your face still being half wet.

You went to your room and placed your glasses on the bedside table and changed into your pajamas. Then you turned off the light and jumped on your bed, making yourself 'safe' from the 'monsters' as quickly as possible. Well, that was the downfall of active imagination.

A quiet gasp left your lips and you quickly sat up again on your bed and moved to the end of it, looking out of the window. It seemed as if you saw a few twinkling stars but you weren't sure so you put your glasses on.

And then, as if the sky had exploded, it was full of stars of all sizes and brightnesses. A sad smile made its way to your lips as you stared at the stars and the moon. It always saddened you how you were only able to see the brightest without your glasses but you had learned to live with it.

You focused on the sky and then took off your glasses before laying down and closing your eyes, clearly picturing the night sky.


You opened your eyes, looking around in the dark room and smiling at an empty spot. You knew it was empty. You just imagined it wasn't.

Hey, Jack. The lullaby, I assume.

This was your evening routine you looked forward to every night, no matter where you were. You would snuggle up to the blankets and then Jack Frost, who you had claimed as your imaginary friend ever since you heard a story about him, would come to sing you a sweet and short lullaby you came up with.

Of course, what else? You imagined him laughing and his mere presence in your head brought a smile to your face. He was the friend that was there every evening for the past four years and you were grateful. No feelings involved. Seriously.

"Your everlasting heart still bright,

you are the fairest girl of the light.

The brightest star of the darkest night,

you'll be alright, my darling."

[The song's from "The Legend Of Longwood". A good movie, I recommend it. Anyhow I don't take credit for the lyrics. Obviously.]

You really liked the lullaby. It also comforted you in the times you were scared or sad and helped you calm down from negative emotions. You used to hum it to yourself but it was way more comforting when it came from 'someone else' so that's where Jack came in.

Soon enough, you fell into a peaceful slumber. Well, more or less.

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