Chapter: 2

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Hello my voices!  Wow, all that trouble to find a name for my fans and I hardly even call you that. We got a new car yesterday!! *applause* It's a 2011 Ford Escape. It use to be a rental car in Canada.....  I just hope Bieber wasn't in it..... 

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, how you doin? haha no I'm kidding. I'm rambling again..... oh well XD Have you guys read any of Rocker Nerd yet? I haven't really been getting any comments from you guys and it makes me sad..... :( 


And comment please... :)

Chapter: 2

Alli's P.O.V.

The next afternoon, back at home, Lexi and I had a movie marathon. Twilight just ended, and I looked over at Lexi, who was dead asleep. I frowned and went to take the popcorn bowl to the kitchen. 

Guess who was in there?

Cody. I rolled my eyes when I saw him and placed me and the bowl on the counter. 

"What are you doing down here Codes? Are you secretly a Twilight fan?" I said joking, laughing at myself. 

"No. I'm not." He said rather annoyed, slamming the fridge door close. 

"Whoa, cranky pants, don't wake up Sleeping Beauty."

He turned and faced me, leaning on the island. "I wouldn't dream of it." 

"Of course not, because you can only do that with a kiss, and God forbid that happens." 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know in the story, when she pricks her finger and then she can only be woken with a kiss of true l-"

"No, Alli, I know the story. I mean about the 'God forbid that happens' bit." 

"Oh. Well I mean you wouldn't want to kiss her, I mean she almost dies of anxiety from you almost touching her. I mean imagine what kissing her would do." 

"I do."

"T. M. I." 

"I mean, what if I did kiss her? Maybe..."


"Just think about it, if I do it in a way... you know, work my way slowly towards her... Maybe it would show her that I'm differen't. That I don't want to hurt her. Believe me I want to do anything but that." 

"Maybe... that might work. Because believe me I know part of her love for you is still there." 

"What?" He said, his face lighting up.

"Oh come on, don't you ever look at her? She looks at you. I know I see it. She tries to make her self not look at you, but she does. It's almost like she fights with her self. But that's just me guessing, she doesn't talk to me that much about her feelings." 

He had a huge grin on his face. 

"You gotta help me!" He said, more excited then I've ever seen him.

"What do you think I've been doing? Sitting around watching hopelessly as love just throws it's self away?!" 


"Look, I'll help you plan something or whatever, but tomorrow. I'm tried and I need to go take a nap on the couch with Sleeping Beauty."  I said jumping off the counter. I walked into the living room and was about to turn off the lamp when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Cody. 

"What are you doing?!" I whispered at him, just before he touched Lexi.

"What you want me to leave her here on the couch???" He whispered back. 


"Exactly." He said and picked her up and started up the stairs. 

I turned off the lamp and quickly followed after him. Just as I passed Tommy's door, it opened. I stopped. 


"Yeah Tommy?" I said coming down to his size. 

He looked like he was about to cry. "I had a bad dream." He said and hugged me. 

I hugged him back. "Aw it's okay. Do you wanna tell me what it was about?"

"The zombie's came and made me watch as they killed you guys...."

"Did you watch that movie? The one mom told you not to?"

I felt him nodding against my neck.

Oh boy.... 

Cody's P.O.V.

I was almost to Alli's door when Lexi started to stir. 

"Cody?" She said softly, which made my heart skip a beat. It had been way to long for me since I heard her say my name. 

"Yes?" I whispered back, looking down at her. Her eyes were half open.

"Don't go." She whispered, scooting her head closer to my chest.

"I wont." 

I decided to take her to my room instead. I set her down gently on my bed, and crawled in next to her. She was already back asleep, but I kissed her head and drew the covers over her. And I swear, for slight second, I saw her smile. 

The gorgeous smile that hadn't showed in a while.

The smile I loved.

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now