Chapter 20:

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  • Dedicated to CodysEva

"It's the begging, of the end."

 PS: I dedicated this chapter to @CodysEva but it wont work unless I do it under "Someone Else" instead of "Wattpad Memeber" Soo.... Yeah. 

Also, I would like to thank Natie_Zirkle for the idea! :) 

lol ok I know I keep adding to this but I forgot a bunch of stuff. Ok so the pic on the right is Lexi in a way. I know it's squished and everything but yeah. I made her a facebook and I made her a Chefville so this is what her Chefville avatar looks like. 

Enjoy :)

Chapter 20: 

A little less then half an hour later,  I'd finally stopped crying. Cody was about to say something when the sound of foot steps echoed from the hall.

"Someone's coming." I said worriedly. 

I slowly and silently wrapped my hand around his. The steps sounded rushed. I gripped his hand tighter as the sound of the steps got closer.  The door opened, and someone came in. But not just anyone. The guy from earlier that showed me where Cody was.  

"Come with me."

I just looked at Cody, who looked at me. 


"Um... he can't...." I said.

"What do you mean he can't?"

"His hands are kinda chained to the wall....."

"Wow." The guy said. "They really don't want you to get out of here." 

The guy  rushed over to Cody who immediately unchained him. 

We quickly got up and followed him, me rushing my self a little to keep up. We went back through the door and through the bar area clear to the other side. We went inside of a door I hadn't seen before and I saw a large stair case leading up. It looked old and creaky, which as I took my first step I learned it was. They creaked every other step. We reached the top and the first thing I noticed was daylight. I looked around for a few seconds and realized we were in the kitchen of an old house. It was Victorian style house with light purple walls. I didn't have time to notice much else as we were rushed through the kitchen door and into the living room to the entry way and out the door. 

The guy was starting to lead us across the busy street when I heard something behind me. I turned. I kept staring at the door. It had numbers on it. 507. I could hear Cody calling me. I turned to my left to look for him. I could've swore he was right there by my side. I saw the street sign on the corner. We were on the corner of 5th and Carroway street.  Cody's voice got louder in my head. 

"Lexi! Lexi." 

And then there was a big flash of light.

Alli's P.O.V.

Me and Jake were in the closet with out the light on and I was gripping his hand rather tight. 

"Alli? Jake?" I heard my dad call from down stairs. 

"Oh no." I whispered. 

Suddenly there was a loud boom sound. I got up out of the closet rushing down the stairs, Jake coming after me. I reached the bottom and saw a few guys knocked out on the ground and Tom sitting on the couch with his mouth open and Dad standing there with his fist out ready to punch. 

"What happened? Did you knock all these guys out?" I asked my dad going towards him. 

"Yeah well I use to take Karate." He said acting like it was no big deal but you could tell he was happy. 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now