Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15: 

                                                        Allis' P.O.V.

I heard my phone ringing in my sleep. It being to early for me to not be lazy, I answered with out seeing who it was.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Hi!" My eyes widen and I sat up immediately. 


"Yeah, hi." 

"Why are you calling me? Do you know what time it is? Especially on a Saturday? If it's that important why'd didn't you just wake me up?" I stomped out the door towards her room.

"Sorry...." Lexi mumbled into the phone. I swung her door open . She wasn't in her bed.

"Are you in Cody's room?" I asked her, already on my way towards his room.


"Downstairs?" I opened his door. Cody wasn't in his room either, just a sleeping Jake.




I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Well where the heck are you?" 

"In a tub." 


"I'm sitting in a bathtub." She said slowly. 

"Do you know where Cody is?" 




"Somewhere where?"

"In a bed." 

"Which bed? And which bathroom are you in?" 

"The hotels....." 

"Hotel?" I gulped. "Which hotel?" 

"Not one in LA....." 

I said nothing. 

"Well I was just calling you to tell you were fine and not to worry."

"So your gone?"

"You didn't know?"


"Then what the heck were you texting Cody so much about?" 

"About what I wanted for my birthday... and Jake..."


"Yeah, he sorta made a move on me last night." 

"What?! She shouted.

I went back into my room so I wouldn't wake Jake up. "Calm down!" 


"It's not that big a deal...." 

"Yes it is! Tell me more!" She demanded. 

"Fine! I was downstairs getting water and Jake was standing in the living room. And I was about to go upstairs and he grabbed me from behind and he pinned me against the wall just to tell me good-night and kissed my cheek."


"Why am I even telling you this? Where are you?!" 

"No! You can't come after us. It's to dangerous."

"But yet your 'fine' and I'm 'not to worry???'" 


"Just tell me where you are!" 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now