Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Chapter 30: Epilogue

1 year later:

I drive up into the book store in my brand new car that I just got from the dealership. I honk the horn and Michael comes running out.  I wave at him through the window. 

"You got a car?"  He says. I've told him nothing about my saving for one.

"Yep. What did you think I  was doing with all my money?" I step out of the car - my used jeep. 

He shurgs in response. I grab my bag and lock the doors, heading into the bookstore.

Michael is now technically my boyfriend, and though it's not been spoken, I love him. 

When i get home from work that day, I find something on my floor. It must've fallen out of my drawer this morning when I was dressing. I pick it up. It is the picture of me and Cody, with the writing on the back.

If you ever feel like leaving the world, 

look at this. 

If you're ever angry at them, 

look at this.

If you ever need love, 

look at this.

Even though Cody and I aren't together, I still keep it. It reminds me of them.  I still love them. They did so much for me.


1 year later.

Me, Michael, and Doug are all going out to dinner.  I've been told to wear a dress, which I wasn't exactly happy about. I'm not much of a dress person. I do have one though, that Alli made me get just in case I ever needed one. It was a black lace skater dress. I wore it with tights, and black boots with studs. I even curled my hair. 

We get there, and Michael is already holding a table for us.  After we eat, Micheal suddenly turns to me. Doug has a smug look on his face and I'm not sure whats going on.

"Lexi," Micheal starts. "I love you. You understand me, and you make me the happiest I've ever been. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you the happiest you'll ever be. And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to completely understand the beautiful mystery that is you."

I can't help but smile. No words are with me. I am a complete lost. 

He gets down  on one knee beside me. "Lexi, will you marry me?" 

I'm crying now, and nodding so fast my head might fly off. 

"Yes!" I squeak out and bend down and kiss him.  

1 year later

The Simpsons are at my wedding. Alli is my bridesmaid along with a few girls Micheal is related too, being of my lack of friends and family. But that's okay. His family is now my family. Doug walked me down the aisle, and he couldn't have been happier about it. 

Cody didn't show, but I guess it is weird to attend your ex's wedding. I was secretly hoping he would though. I haven't seen him in years. Alli says he's doing good, even has a girlfriend now. He got over me just like I said he would. 

We got married on August 27th, 2018. Me and Michael moved into a small, one bedroom house. He got a job at this big company. We've discussed this whole kid situation (before we got married, of course), and he says he doesn't really want kids. But if we feel like it, we could always adopt. It's not the same, but it's as close as we can get.  

I'm honestly very happy he was okay with me not being able to have kids. Because 1) I really liked him, and most people want to have kids. 2) I honestly don't want to be the reason another soul has to live in this world, though I'm starting to realize that it's not such a bad world after all. 

I like this world a lot actually. I mean, yeah I have had a rough time, but even if I could change it I wouldn't.  Because everything that's happened lead me here to where I am today. That's why everything happen for a reason. 

And also I've learned that even though you may care greatly for others, sometimes you have to put one heart first. The one that matters the most.

Your heart.


Hey! So this is the end of the story. I'd love to hear your thoughts! 

I'd like to thank all of you for all your votes, comments, and also for reading! This is quite possibly my last fan fic, but I will be writing other books! I'd really appreciate it if you would read them. I don't have any up yet, but I should soon. I have one in the works! 

Again, thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting, and following! I'm close to 350 followers! I appreciate it so much! I love you guys.

Thanks again! :)

(don't forget to comment) 

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