Chapter 19:

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Hey guys! I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!! I've been really busy with the holidays and then I got sick, and I still sorta am sick but... yeah. And I know it's really short but I'm having a bit of writers block and figured this was better then nothing, right?

Chapter 19: 

"Time's up!" I heard Ralph say from the other side of the door.

Thank God! I thought. The man sat up, and luckily he hadn't done much to me but suck my face off. I think he was to drunk to do anything else. I ran out the door as fast as possible. I forgot for a second which way the door was, but then I remembered. I ran, as much as I could in these shoes, counting the doors as I went by. 


I could feel my heart start to pound. I fiddled for the key inside my pocket. I couldn't find it. It must've fell out! I really didn't want to go back, so I tried the door handle. I bit my lip and pushed it. It opened! 

I slowly pushed the door open. It was dim inside. "Cody?" I asked quietly. I didn't get an answer. The inside was lit with torches. It was a hallway of Jail blocks. Back to where I started. 

"Cody?" I asked again but a bit louder.

"Lexi?" It was Cody, I'm sure of it. 

"Where are you?" I asked still afraid of being to loud. I began to walk down the hall. 

"He's in cell 31." A voice, not Kathrine, but a voice said through a speaker. Then there was a buzzing sound far down the hall. I begun to run, but I fell in the annoying boots. From where I landed on the ground, I ripped them off and got up and ran until I found the open cell. 

"Cody?!" I said as I turned into the cell. My heart cracked down the middle just before shattering into a thousand pieces the moment I saw him. His hands were shackled to the wall with long chains. His body was slumped against the wall. His eyes were closed, and his face had dirt on it. 

"Cody," I breathed. I rushed to him, hearing the door close behind me. I put my hands to his face, and it was ice cold. "Cody! No no! Cody!" I shouted frantically. He turned his head.

"Lexi?" It was barely a whisper, barely a word, but it was everything to me.

"Yes! It's me! Lexi!" 

I scanned his face, for sign of him being deathly injured or something, but there was nothing but dirt. He just looked so weak. I quickly looked around the room for water or something. There was, believe it or not, a pitcher of water and a couple of cups on a small table in the corner. The water wasn't the cleanest or the best smelling thing, but it would have to do. I poured some into a glass and brought it back to a mumbling Cody. 

"Here, drink this." I said holding it up to his lips. He sipped it a few times.

"Are you," he paused for breath. "okay?" 

"Yes I'm fine I'm just worried about you? What happened? What did they do to you?!"

"I don't," he paused again but this time to sip more water. "remember."

"Well what's the last thing you remember?" 

"Umm.... I heard you, screaming, and I went to find you.... and then I think I was knocked out and put here.... where ever that is." He spoke slowly. 

He started to attempt to sit up more, looking like he was starting to feel a bit better. I helped him along. 

"I saw Doug." I said quietly. 

"You did?" He asked, seeming just as if he was the one telling me that he saw Doug, rather then the other way around. 

"Yeah. He didn't remember me though."

"He didn't? How could he forget you, exactly?" He asked, taking the glass from me.

I hit his arm teasingly for being so cheesy. He winced slightly. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Usually he barely even felt it when I hit him. "What's wrong with your arm?" 

"It's nothing. I'm probably just sore." 

Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure ya are. I gave him a look just to make sure he knew I didn't believe him for a second. I rolled up his sleeve to his sweater and revealed a big bruise. "Uhh... Cody?" 

"What?" He said, seemingly expecting the worse. 

"Did you fall or something?"


"Well you have a giant bruise on your arm..."   

"What?" He  said trying to turn his arm over to see.  he just sighed and rolled his sleeve back down.  

I was starting to feel guilty again. Then I thought maybe I wasn't 'feeling' guilty, so much as it had became part of my life style. I looked down and blinked back tears while trying to ignore the throbbing in m chest.  

Cody, of course, noticed. "Lexi?" 

I opened my mouth to reply that I was fine, and there was no need to worry about me, but instead what came out was a noise I don't really know how to describe. But you know when your crying and you make that one sound that like changes the process from crying to sobbing? Yeah that's what happened. I gave in and I just started balling right there on the floor next to him. He put his arm around me and held me while I sobbed. I just pressed my self into him as much as possible.


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Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now