Chapter 6:

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The video on the side is acoustic by the way :p 

And if you guys don't know some of the songs in this chapter, slap your self, then look them up. 

And also, make sure you guys let me know if you see and of these '*'.

Chapter 6:

When I opened my eyes I saw light pouring into the room. I turned my head and saw Cody fast asleep. I laid my head down on his stomach, watching him sleep, not wanting to get up and just lie there forever. What are you doing? Get out of there! A small voice in the back of my mind said. I wish it would just go away! I mean, it's not like he's going to do anything to me. He would never hurt me, he protects me. And besides he just looks so cute and innocent when he's asleep. He wouldn't hurt me. Yeah, until he wakes up. 

I groaned, flipping my head to face away from him. This is so annoying! I want to like- I mean, love him with all of me! Not having a small voice in the back of my head constantly nagging me to run. I don't even know why it wants me to afraid of him. It's kinda like falling for someone. You just start thinking about them all the time and then WHOOP! THERE IT IS! And you don't even have a good thing that makes you like them, you just know you do.

I sighed. Maybe it's just part of me that is still scarred from what happened. I mean, how quickly is someone spouse to recover from something like that? 

"What's wrong, Angel?" A sleepy Aussie accent asked. 

I turned my head to see that Cody had some how manged to prop him self up against the head broad with out me noticing. I mean, I'm laying on him. You would think I would notice. I sighed again, not sure how to explain, or even if I should. "Everything."

"And why would that be?" He said, his brain obviously still not fully working yet.      

"Because I'm stupid."  

"You're not stupid." 

"Fine, part of me is stupid." 

"What did part of you do?" 

I sighed again. Mind as well let it all hang out. At the words 'let it all hang out', Brick House by the Commodores started playing in my head. Ow she's a brick, house, she's the one the only one, lettin' it all hang out. "It keeps telling me to be afraid of you." 

At that there was silence. Minutes passed before he said anything. We just laid there together, me getting closer to tears by the second. 

"Are you?" He finally asked. 

Now it was my turn to be quiet. I didn't want to be afraid of him, I wanted to love him, with my whole entire being. But for some reason I couldn't. 

"I'm trying not to be." I said quietly. 

He leaned over and kissed my head. "Can I ask you a question that may or may not be stupid?" 

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Yes...?"

"Why are you afraid of me?"

I was surprised. I wasn't expecting him to ask that. But I don't know what I was expecting him to ask.  It was also the extremely hurt feeling in his voice that made freeze. I really didn't know how to answer that. Like I said earlier, I don't know why I'm afraid of him. "I don't know." 

"Well. Maybe you could try being with me more, and see if it goes away. Maybe that part of you just doesn't know me well enough to trust me yet." 

"Maybe." I said after a moment of thinking. 

"So what do you say? We get up and get some breakfast?" He said, pushing some of my loose hairs behind my ear, gently stroking it. 

I closed my eyes, cuddling further into him. "I say we stay in bed all day and watch movies." 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now