Chapter 27:

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Chapter 27:

We ended up at a Denny's. I ordered my french toast and Micheal ordered pancakes, along with two cups of hot chocolate for us. We talked the whole time. Just talked about anything at all. He talked about the relationship he had with his Grandfather. They went to county fairs and beaches and spent allot of time sitting in the upstairs of the bookstore and listening to stories about his grandpa. He told me where his father is ('six feet under the stars' he'd said, and when I looked a little confused at 'the stars' part he told me it was the name of a song he liked). He told me how they've stayed in his house for many years. And when our food came he'd only pause long enough to take a bite, chew, and sallow. I ate my food and sipped my coca while listening to everything he had to say. It was his turn to pour out himself to me. 

I couldn't help but think about how strong he is. He had a lot of hurt in his life, and he still smiles at me everyday. He still smiles and talks happily to the customers. He makes me happy. I wonder if I could ever fake it enough to make someone happy, just by smiling at them.

Once we finish our food, we don't even think about getting up. We just stay there and talk and talk for hours. 

When I noticed the place started to get a little busy, I say, "We should probably go..." when he seemed to not have anything to say for the minute. 

"Probably." He says. 

We ended up back at my house. I sat down on the couch with a deck of Uno cards.

"Do you play Uno?" I ask him.

He nods. 

I smile. "Great." 

I didn't even really ask him if he wants to play, I just started dealing cards. 

The rest of the evening was filled with smiles and laughter and salty snacks and fizzy drinks that we picked up on the way home.  I'd probably feel sick later but I don't care right now. I tried to record the laughter and this happy feeling in my head. I never wanted to forget. I never want this moment to end. 

I woke up this the sunlight warming my face. I sat up and walked to the kitchen. After I beat Micheal's butt and Uno, (several times) we watched some cheesy romance movie. I was replaying the whole night in my head, going especially slow at the end...

The credits started to roll as the extremely over done ending finished. My head somehow ended up resting in Micheal's lap. I (unfortunately) removed it from there, and looked at the time *8:05pm.*

"You should go. It's getting late and I don't want you to miss the bus.." I said.

"Yeah. I don't want my mom to worry."  He agreed. 

I stood up to walk him to the door.

"Hey, wasn't Doug suppose to be home by now?" Micheal asked.

I shrug my shoulders. He gives me a sympathetic look. 

"I had a really fun time hanging out with you today." Micheal said.

"Me too. And thanks... for being there for me last night. I don't really know what I might've done...." 

"Of course. Anytime." Micheal smiled. 

I smiled back. 

"Seriously, wherever you need someone to talk too. You can call me." 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now