Chapter 9:

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Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update, I had it all written I just had to type it. I was hecka busy with my birthday and everything. And I was reading The Fault In Our Stars By John Green. It's amazing :) And I'm sorta of obbessed with this new band that followed me on tumblr... Anyone ever hear of Messenger Down? They are awesome! Youtube them when you finish reading :p 

And sorry if there is spelling mistakes, the spell check isn't working right now -_- 

Chapter 9: 

I crept down the hallway to Alli's room. I must of fell asleep on the way home from the hospital, because that's the last thing I remember. And I woke in Cody's room, so.... yeah. 

I slowly pushed the cracked door open. It didn't creak like I expected it too. "Alli?" I whispered. 

"Lexi?" She answered. 

I sat down on the bed as she turned the lamp on. "How are you?" 

"A little loopy from the pain meds. What about you? I haven't really seen you since you ran off upstairs yestereday." 

"Yeah, I just, kinda wanted to be alone for a few I guess." 

"You wanted to be alone?" She raised an eyebrow. 

I shurgged. "Cody came up and found me anyway." 

"By the way.... how's it going between you two?" 

I felt heat rising in my cheeks. She grinned. 

"What happened?!" She squealed.

"If you must know..." 

"Yes!" She started daramaticly. "Otherwise I might die." 

"Well, it might creep you out a little, but," I don't know why, but I kinda felt weird telling her "We made out." 

She clapped her hands excitedly. "Alexandria Simpson. Has a nice ring to it." 

I slapped her arm playfully. "Shut up!" 

She laughed. She looked at her phone, and scowled. 


"They post-poned my photo-shoot until Friday."


She shurgged. 

I grabbed her phone from her, reading the e-mail from Pastry. 

Blah blah blah we've have post-poned your photo shoot until Febuary 24th blah blah blah.

"24th? The day after my birthday."

"Really?!" She said happily.

"Yeah.." I said confused to why she was excited. 

"What should we do?!"

"We don't have to do anything."

"Yes we do!" 


"Because it's your birthday! We must celabrate!"

"We must? I've never celeabrated my birthday before." 



"Well what would you like?"

I thought for a minute. "Well, I kinda feel bad that I'm wearing your colthes all the time. But I don't really have an-"

"Well go shopping!" 


She yawned. "I'm tried." 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now