Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7: 

I was sitting on the couch watching Mork and Mindy on Alli's Ipad. We were home alone, me, Alli, and Cody, that is. I had a huge grin on my face. I love Robin Williams. The episode ended and I looked up to see Alli was texting in her own little world. Cody was upstairs doing whatever. I heard the phone ring. "I'LL GET IT!" I shouted. Alli didn't even flinch. Who the heck could she be texting that intensely anyway? I picked up the  phone from the coffee table and answered it. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Alexandria! How wonderful of you to answer the phone!" The familiar voice of Kathrine rang through the receiver.  

Crap... "What do you want?" I asked hatefully. 

"Oh Doug called me, he wanted to know where you were. So my resources gave me this number." 

"What have you done to him?"

"Nothing!" Like could she lie more? 

Tears starting to come to my eyes with thoughts of what she could be doing to him. I hung up the phone and ran upstairs, knowing it would take the death of Johnny Depp to get Alli's attention.  

I knock on Cody's door, a tear leaking down my face. I didn't really want to go to him, but I knew I couldn't be alone right now. He opened the door. 

"Lexi! What's wrong?!" He asked hugging me within seconds. Sometimes he could move way to fast... 

"She has Doug." Was all I could manage out. 

"What? Who has Doug?" 

"Her." I said with my face buried in his chest.

He seemed to understand because he stayed quiet. 

"We have to do something, Cody." 

"I know and we are." 

That kind of shocked me. "We are?" I asked, pulling my head away from him.

"Yes. You can go find Doug and I'll get to kill Kathrine."  He said with a slight smirk. 

"Cody, the king of gentlemen, is going to harm a girl?" I said in a teasing tone.

"Kathrine is not a girl, Kathrine is a she devil. You of all people should know that." He said strictly, the smirk completely gone from his face. 

He started walking down stairs and I followed him, not wanting to be left alone as usual. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and screamed. Standing right behind me was the guy from the park.  I still couldn't see his face but I'm pretty sure I'm still screaming. My eyes closed, wishing to get rid of his face.

"LEXI!" Cody screamed to get my attention. 

I stopped screaming slowly opening my eyes. His expression told me he didn't see what I just saw. "You didn't see him?" I asked horrified. 

"See who?" He asked worried and confused. 

"It-it was the guy.. from the park..." 

"He's not here, I promise, okay?" He said to try to calm me down. It wasn't working. 

"I swear I saw him." I said looking down, about to cry from being so horrified and the possibility that I might be seeing things. 

He stayed silent but put his arm around me, guiding me down the stairs. 

I was horrified. Was I really starting to see things? Was I really that messed up? Would this effect anything besides my sanity? This questions go through my mind as we reach  the bottom of the stairs to face a wide-eyed Ali. I image her face looked most like mine. Two words would describe her at the minute. Shocked, and horrified. 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя