Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10: 

                                                   Cody's P.O.V. 

I couldn't keep my mind off of Lexi, then again when can I?  But it seemed more intense then usual. Maybe it's just because it's her birthday.

I don't know how long I've been thinking, but it must of been a while, because it took the sudden music change of the credits to get my attention. I looked over at Lexi. She'd given up trying to watch the movie a while ago. She was now cuddled into my side, fast asleep. 

The door opened - didn't I lock it?- and Alli jumped through, way to hyper for how late it was. "It's finished!" She shouted. I gave Alli a look, glancing over at Lexi, whose eyes were still closed. Alli gave me a look as if to ask if she was sleeping, and I nodded.

"Do you want to wake her up or.....?" She whispered. 

I shook my head. "We'll show her-" I was cut of my a horrible scream.

You know.... the scream. 

I was trying to get her to stop screaming. She did, but only to stop for air. Her eyes eventually opened, and I don't think I'll ever forget what they looked like in that moment. Every emotion she was feeling flashed in them. Fear, anger, anxiety, longing, and.... pain.. I wished nothing more then to stop that pain. The blue in her eyes were darker too. The shade of blue seemed to change with her mood. 

Her screaming turned into panting. 

                                                       Alli's P.O.V. 

"Lexi, Lexi  calm down, you're okay, it's fine." Cody repeated. Poor boy, he must really not listen when I yell at him, other wise he wouldn't be telling her to 'calm down', like hello, don't you know telling girls to 'calm down' usually makes them more upset?

                                       Lexi's P.O.V.

 Horrible nightmares are just plain.... horrible. Lets just say that Hagrid telling me "You're pregnant, Alexandria!" in Katherine's voice isn't exactly the most pleasant thing ever... especially when that's not all that happened Next thing I know is my throat is on fire, and Cody's saying idiotic boy things trying to get me to stop screaming. Was I... sleep-screaming? 

I finally gain control of my  screams and realize how out of breath I am. I calm down enough after a while to speak. Like I always do. 

Alli enters the room- apparently she was here when I was screaming- with a glass of water. I attempted to take it from her, not really caring if it was meant for me, though it most likely was. The whole holding a glass thing wasn't going well. It felt extremely heavy. I was about to drop it when another hand was helping me hold it. 

I took a sip from it. My throat's burning calmed a bit. 

"You okay?" Alli asked. 

I nodded my head. I felt better now. Better enough to tell I was drenched in sweat. Cody insisted on me drinking more water. By the time the glass was half-empty, I was feeling allot better. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

Alli pulled out her phone. "Whoa, really?! It's 5am."


Alli gave Cody a look, as if to ask him something, which I pretended not to notice. Though he still seemed on-edge, and a little white-faced, he responded with a shrug. Alli squealed excitedly. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door, down the hall to the guest room. She let go of my hand and smiled at me. I could feel that Cody was behind me. 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now