Chapter 18:

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So there is some slight mature content in here, just as a warning ;)

Chapter 18: 

  I woke up slowly to someone kissing my neck. I tried to ignore how dangerously good it felt and looked around to see where I was. The room was very dimly lit, but if I didn't know better I'd think I was in a jail cell. Then it came back to me. Maybe I was in a jail cell. I suddenly became panicked and looked to see who was trying to give me a hickey. I tried to talk but nothing was coming out. I tried to push the guy off of me, but my arms felt like Jello. 

Whoever it was, stopped sucking on my neck and sat up and looked at me. He had a grin that was made in Hell it was so evil. He had dark eyes, and as Alli would call it, 'sexy whiskers.' 

But I recognized him. 

I've seen him before, no doubt.

He kidnapped me the last time I was awake. The last time I saw Cody.

He'd raped me back in Florida.

He was none other than.... 

Marcis's best friend.

I tried to scream but nothing came out. 

His grin grew bigger. "Go ahead, sweetheart. No one can hear you anyway." 

I was so scared I thought I might pass out again. I was able to push my self up into a sitting position. Since there was no use in showing my fear, I declared to myself that I would try my best not to show it. For Cody.

I attempted to clear my throat, thought it was terribly dry.  I tried to talk again but nothing would come out. I looked down myself. I was topless. In fact, all I had on was my underwear and my jeans. I saw my phone was still in my front pocket. Wonder why they haven't taken it from me yet...

Then there was a loud intercom sound. "Block 41, Cell 27, please report to the front. 5 minutes. That means you Bryon." It was Kathrine's voice. Who would've guessed, right? Sarcasm, please note your self here.

The monster in front of me sighed and crawled off of the... some kind of be we were on. It almost looked like a cot. 

Something hit my face. "Put these on, or I will do it for you. And trust me, you don't want that." 

Another light came on somewhere and I could see a little better. I held up the things he threw at me. I think it was a bra, but it was thick like a shirt. Though it didn't really matter how thick it was, because it was covered in sliver spikes with a black base. Along with short shorts. I mean they were so short that it barely covered half my butt. I quickly took my pants off, and slyly transferred my phone into the tiny pockets of the shorts before slipping them on. I was about to put the top part on over my bra, but Bryon... I think that's his name... anyway, he started laughing. "No Sweetheart. Take the other bra off."

"TWO MINUTES!" Kathrine shouted over the intercom. 

I stayed still, really not wanting to take my bra off in front of him. But he became impenitent before I convinced my self to undress, and came over to me and painfully ripped my bra off in one swift motion. He shoved me on to the cot, and started kissing me on the mouth. I rejected as much as I could, but he got more frustrated and gripped my breasts until I bit his lip enough to make it bleed. He then moved his mouth away from mine and slapped me across the face, hard. I fought back tears ans he started sucking and biting me all over. Including and mostly, my breasts. 

"Bryon! You're late!" Kathrine yelled. The one time I was grateful for her. 

He made a sound that sort of sounded like a growl and crawled off of me.  I quickly put on the bra type thing and followed him out. I thought this might be a good time to run, so I told myself that at the first sign of an exit I will run for it.

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now