Chapter 11:

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Hey guys! I got my glasses! That means more uploads! I hate how they look on me though -_- But allot of my friends wear glasses so it's not so bad. Plus I only have to wear them when I'm reading :D 

TODAY IS MY SECOND YEAR ON WATTPAD! YAY!!!!!!!!! *Applause* *Bow, Bow* Thank you so much! 

haha I'm weird XD 

Sorry. I know I said I was going to make it extra long, and I tried, but I couldn't get it finished by today and I wanted to leave it a... well yeah you'll see :p 




I LOVE feedback! Please give me some comments! 


Chapter 11: 

After Jake and Alli left, it was quiet for a minute. Then Cody broke the silence.

"Mom....?" He was concerned. 

Angie seemed stressed. Like there was something terrible she wasn't telling us. 

She sighed. "Lexi, the doctor called. There was apparently some sort of mix up at the hospital after the crash. They said the have news the didn't think was apporiate to say over the phone. And that you're due for a phsyical anyway. You have an appoiment tomorrow at 3." 

What kind of news isn't 'apporiate to say over the phone'? 

I glanced over at Cody, wondering if he had anything to say.

Guess not. 

"Um.... okay?" 

She faked a smile and nodded her head, dismissing us. I turned on my heal following Cody out of the kitchen. 

Jake and Alli turned their heads around the moment we came through the door. "What'd she say?" Alli asked first. 

"Well, I have a doctor's appoiment tomorrow at three." I shurgged, trying to make it sound like no big deal, even though I've never really been to a doctor before. My body sensing Jake in the room, my statement was followed by a nervous laugh. 

I knew Cody knew it was a fake laugh, because I felt him tense at my side. But he just nodded his head, agreeing with me. 

"What for?" Jake pressed on. 

"She has a phsyical." Cody firmly stated with a dont-ask-anymore-questions-unless-you-want-to-die tone. 

It was followed by an awkward silence. 

"Well how about we watch a movie?" Alli suggested. This woman has a gift for breaking awkward silences. 

"Sounds like a good idea." Jake said, glad to be freed from awkward silence. "What are we going to watch?" 

Cody looked at me. "You wanna finish watching Harry Potter?" 

I nodded shyly. 

"You guys chill with that?" he asked them. They both nodded excitedly. "Great. I'll go get it." 

I watched Cody run upstairs. After a few minutes of Jake and Alli talking about who knows what, I deiced to go upstairs and find Cody. 

"Where are you going?" Jake asked before I got to take the first step. 

"Uh.... to change my clothes. I've been wearing them since yesterday." 


I bolted up the stairs, feeling my self starting to shake. This was going to be along two months. 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now