Chapter 21:

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Chapter 21: 

*Lexi's P.O.V.*

There was a light knock on the door before it gently opened. I turned my head to see who it was.


Jake was at the door. 

He looked at us. His face was full of guilt, and ...... nervousness? What was he nervous about? 

"Um... Lexi?" He said taking a deep breath. 

He wanted to talk to me? Me? Why can't he want to talk to Alli? Or heck maybe even the wall?

"Jake....?" I responded, followed by giving Alli a weird look, who just shrugged.

"Can I talk to you.... alone?"

I froze. I looked at Alli. She just nodded her head at me, encouraging me. And then she got up and left. 

He came and sat by me n the chair. It was silent for a few minutes before he started talking. 

"Look, I'm really sorry, okay?" He began. 

I still hadn't moved that much. 

"I had no idea what was happening, or what did happen to you. I hardly even knew you. Or anything about your relationship with Cody."

He stopped, and looked around the room and then looked down at his hands. "I guess I was just looking forward to spending time with them," he paused, and I finished for him.

"And they were all caught up in my seemingly desperate need of attention. That I don't deserve." 

"You deserved it. And it didn't seem desperate, it seemed more so forced upon you no that I think about it." 

It got quiet for a few again until I spoke. "How much did Alli tell you about me?"


"Well I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise never to tell anyone. Especially Alli."

He nodded. "Of course."

"I tried to kill myself." I said it. There, right in that moment, I said it. I'm not proud of it, but I felt the need to tell someone. Someone new that I wasn't attached too. 

"What?" He breathed.

"Yeah. I tried to drown myself. In a bath tub."

"Who saved you?"

I gave him a look, but he didn't get it. "Who do you think?"

"Um... Cody?" 


"That had to be hard on him."

"Yeah. I think he's afraid I'll try to do it again."

"Will you?"

"I don't know, Jake." I could feel the tears starting to come. "I honestly just don't know." 

A tear rolled down my cheek.

*Alli's P.O.V.*

I stepped into the hall and sat by Cody. I was mad at him, but he's still my brother. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Cody  broke the silence. 


"Hey." I responded.

"How have you been?"

"Scared. Confused. Hurt." 

"I'm sorry, okay?" He grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry that mum left because of me. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and Tom. I'm sorry I almost got Lexi killed. And I'm sorry that we even let in the first place."

"Cody, it's not your fault mum left."

"Yes it is."

"No. It's mum's fault for no realizing and being grateful for the amazing son she has."

"Thanks, Alli." He said pulling me into a hug. "I really am sorry though."

*Lexi's P.O.V.*

I  quickly wiped my tear and changed the subject. "So you know all this stuff about me." 


"But I hardly know anything about you. And that hardly seems fair."

"Well you know Cody's background, there's not a huge difference between his and mine."

"Oh I'm sure you have some sort of something to tell me about you." 

"Well, I mean, I guess-"

He was cut off by Cody walking through the door.

"Hey." Cody said.

"Hi." I responded.

"What's going on?" He asked coming towards me.

"Jake here was just going to tell me a bit about himself, since he knows about me, but I don't know too much about him." 

Cody sat on the bed next to me. "Oh dude you should tell her about that one time when Campbell fell off the boardwalk-"

"Oh dude! Yeah that was hilarious!"

I leaned into Cody, and kept my gaze fixed on the two as the story began. I suddenly began to get tired, though I tried to listen, but it was mostly just them talking and I ended up falling asleep to the sound of Joy in their voices. 

The next morning, I woke up to the sunlight gently warming my face. I  slowly turned my head to see Cody had fallen asleep next to me, and Jake in the chair. I nudged Cody awake.

He looked over and saw me. "Good morning, Angel."

"Good morning, Cody." I smiled as he kissed my head.

"Where is everyone else?"

"I have no idea."

He reached over for his phone, taking it off of Alli's charger. "It's seven-thirty in the morning."

"Ugh." I stated attempting to roll over and go back to sleep. But knowing Cody, that wasn't allowed.

"Hey wake up."

"Noooo." I moaned.

"Your the one who wok me up so get up."

I sighed. "Fine."

"You get released today."

I smiled. "Where's Alli?"

"I'm not sure. I'm texting her."

Not a moment later his phone buzzed. 

"They're in a hotel down the road. She said they'll be here by eight."

"Okay." I stretched. And got up, going towards the bathroom while Cody woke up Jake. 

when I came back, Jake was fully awake and on his phone.

"They're on their way." Cody said," Alli said she'll bring you some clothes from your bag that they took to the hotel with them so it didn't take up space here." 

"Okay." I said, thankful to get out of my hospital gown.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, very." I stated walking back over to him.

"And what would you like to eat?" He said seating me in his lap with a smirk. 


So this was mainly just a filler chapter kinda.... so for the long waits. 

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat