Chapter 22:

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Chapter 22:

****4 WEEKS LATER*****

I was walking down the Simpson's hallway, and Cody passed by me with a smile. I tried to smile back as best I could, and luckily he believed it and kept walking. I knocked on Alli's door and she opened it. 

"Alli," I started. "I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, of course come in." She said and I went in. Her room was covered in clothes. 

"Early spring cleaning?" I asked.

She nodded. "So what is it you need to talk to me about? Cody, I'm assuming?" 

''Yeah. I know you told me to wait and see if I feel different but I just can't anymore. Each time I even think of him the hole in my gut grows bigger." 

She just smiled sympathetically at me. She has given up on trying to talk me out of it. 

"I just can't do this to him anymore. I can't do it to any of you."  

"Well where would you go?" 

Good question. I thought to myself.  

(a quick recap on what happened) 

It turns out I was right about the house, and they found Doug. I got to see him and he still remembered me and everything. I introduced him to everyone and it turns out Kathrine took him only a few hours after I left. She had it all planned out. 

 They still haven't found her, she ran as soon as the cops showed up but didn't have time to take him. Doug said he has know idea where she could've gone. Doug went back to his place but they kicked him out because he missed to many payments. I caught him up on everything that happened and now Doug is living in LA. Brad is helping him pay for it until he gets a job. 

Cody's mom moved to Australia, and basically just left everyone else behind.  Brad received divorce papers in the mail about a week ago. 

"I'm sure I could go live with Doug." I replied. 

"Wouldn't you have to get Dad to sign papers for it? He is your legal guardian."

"Yeah. Do you think he would?" 

"I think so. But I don't know if the government would consider Doug 'in a proper state' to be your 'legal guardian.'" 

"Yeah.... Well I'll just move in with him and your dad can still be my legal guardian. He can come visit whenever I'm sure." 

"I know you're not trying to be rude or anything but I don't know if Dad can handle that right now. And who knows what Cody will do. And besides, I'd miss you."

"I'll miss you too. But you could come visit me all the time." 

"Does Doug even have a big enough apartment?"

"Yes. It's two bedrooms." 

She sighed. "You'll have to take it up with them. Cody's going to be devastated." 

"I'm sure he'll be fine. There's plenty of other girls much better then me." I said and left.

Sequel to Lonely Hearts: One Heart (Cody Simpson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora