Henry (sr)

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Henry is like 2 years old

JJ had called me and spencer to go and babysit Henry while she spent a night out with Gracia since she had practically begged jj to hang with her. I got in the passenger seat of Spencer's car and played games on my phone and went over rules with jj until we got to their house.

Luckily it was only a 15 minute drive from bau to the house, I opened the car door and went to the front door of the house knocking on the door waiting for jj to answer which was very quick, she smiled at us and said if we needed anything to text her and to please be safe with him. We watched her car drive off until we couldn't see it anymore, I walked to Henry on the carpet playing with his toys while spence went and got his bed all nice and made for a little later since it was only 6:30 "you know a baby should actually sleep 12-15 hours because it helps them improve memory, learning, and behavior issues" spencer spit out "now I do" I looked at him with a slight smile on my face, "here jj said he was just fed before we got here and not to feed him until in the morning when he wakes up" I said handing Henry to him "wait we are staying overnight?" He asked "yeah Gracia convinced her to stay the night at her place since tomorrow is the start to the weekend she said she'll be back around 8:30-9 am" I said reaching for the remote for the TV, I ended up on a cartoon channel which I'm pretty sure all of us liked I know spence loved it that's for sure, I looked over at the floor where spencer had leaned up against the couch with henrylaying on him watching the cartoon it was probably one of the cutest things I've ever witnessed "ever think we could have kids" he asked I looked down at him on the floor seeing how he was with Henry "mabye we've been together for 5 years and considering we would be getting married in 2 years I think mabye it could happen if you wanted" I shrugged I didn't have a big thing for kids unless it was Henry or Jack but I think it would happen later on. "Good because I really want a kid I'd think you'd make a great mom" he placed a smile on his face "and I think you'd make a great dad" I said moving down to the floor with Henry and spencer leaning my head on his shoulder, we watched cartoon for about 35 minutes now it was 7:05 10 minutes before Henry's bedtime I got up off the floor and made him a a silly cup filled with water just like jj said too and took Henry from Spencer's arms holding him in mine walking him to his room placing him down placing his silly cup right next too him and covering him with a small blanket, I felt Spencer's arms start to go around me placing his head on my shoulder "mabye your kid idea would be too bad" I said turning around and starting to walk out of the room closing the door turning on the star night light jj said to use a baby monitor just incase so we did, I had the small baby monitor speaker on the coffee table, I went back to the living room turning the TV off and laying on the guest bed getting comfy and pulling out the comforter while spencer made sure all the doors were locked and evry light was off before laying down next too me making his way too put his head In my neck and his hands around my waist, I brung my band up to his head rubbing my hand in hair I kept the motion going until we both dozed off into sleep.

7 am

I woke up climbing out of the bed I had slept in the night before. I walked into the kitchen making the breakfast jj told me too for Henry which was just some oatmeal and small cut portions of toast, I set it down on the counter while I went and go Henry out of bed, when I walked into his room I saw spence laying in the crib with Henry laying on him "spence what are doing laying in the crib" I said as he slowly woke up sushing me "he was crying and I couldn't get it too stop so I layed in here and he just slept quietly the rest of the night" he said softly "well 2 thing 1 you're like 6'1 which is way too tall for this and 2 I need Henry so I can take him down too the kitchen so get out of the crib" I smiled, he moved his way out of the crib picking up Henry and handing him to me. I took him down to the kitchen and set him in the highchair in the corner on the kitchen setting the food down infront of him. I grabbed cereal out of the cabinet and 2 bowls along with milk and poured me and spence some cereal. We all ate our breakfast and after all 3 of us were done I cleaned up the dishes so jj wouldn't worry about a thing. I looked over into the living room spence was watching cartoons while Henry played with his toys right infront of spence "it's like having 2 kids I swear" I said walking over to the 2, sitting next infront of Henry playing with his toys with him. I checked the time 8:27 jj would most likely be home soon "hey spence can you make sure the guest bed and Henry's bed is made organized please" "yeah" he got up walking over to the guest room to make the bed then walked to Henry's room to make his bed. 8:43 jj had walked into the door going to Henry picking him up, "thank you guys, really I appreciate it all the help" she smiled "your welcome oh and you won't believe it spence here only spit out 1 major fact this whole time" I smiled at jj then spence you gave me a straight faced look "that's a new record I believe" jj remarked "look spence I still love you no change in my game" I said smiling at the striaght faced man man "yeah yeah" he said "anyway why don't yall go see a movie or go out to eat get some time with eachother" jj said "nah we'll just go home we get enough attention from eachother there" I said smiling starting to walk out the door with spence "alright you both have a good day" jj said closing the door behind us "why did you say that" he said "say what" I asked "saying how it was such a shocker that I only said one fact the whole time I thought you enjoyed my facts" he said while walking to the carnival with his hands in his pockets "I do I was just joking around darling no need to be upset" I said while spencer got into the car. I sat in the passenger seat and apologized to spence before he got upset and didn't talk to me for a few hours, he excepted the apology after 5 sorry's later.

We pulled up to the apartment complex we lived in and walked up to our shared apartment, spencer went to the bathroom to shower and was out in a timespan of 10 minutes he came out in sweatpants and tee-shirt "you know wet hair suits you very well it's very attractive on you" I said smiling at him, he gave me a small kiss "thank you I think anything suits you now go get a shower I know you love them" he smiled "ah you know me so well my love" I said softly pulling his head to mine kissing him, I pulled away from the kiss and went to the bathroom to get a shower, it was nice it was calming it was a nice way to end my night.

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