downtown (sr)

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I wanted to go to a nice downtown part of Virginia to see all the old record shops and old stores they have built in with spencer but first I wanted to change his outfit from work clothes to more regular day clothes, "spencer my love  I got this shirt I think you will love" I said wondering off into the living room to find spencer "here" it was a bunch of different colors in a more darker color swirled in with other colors "and black pants would go great with that" I said "I mean I like it but why exactly am I getting changed" he asked "so we can go downtown and that way you can be in just regular clothes no button up shirt with a tie with a belt and pants and a vest with a gun" I said throwing his black jeans at him "I actually quite like my vest" he said with a voice crack "and before you say any facts when we start to get there just don't I live your facts I do darling but lay it off tonight ok, it's Friday night and I would love to spend time with my boyfriend while record shopping" I said with a smile as I walked out of the living room into my room to get clothes that I could change into. I found my converse, a tank top a overthrow short sleeve shirt and some black jeans, I changed into eh outfit I had just picked out and tucked the overthrow in my pants just a bit on the side before walking out of the room to see spencer waiting on me in the living room on the couch. "Alright my lovely genius let's go" I said holding out my hand for him to take "alright" he said taking my hand standing up. I made sure the door was locked before walking out to his car, I put his hand in mine again when I got in the passenger side getting the audio cord "you know the audio cord was made in late 80s to early 90s for cd's to play in the tapedeck" he said "sorry" he added "nope it's fine spit out all the facts you want in the car just not when we get downtown" I smiled putting on "stan" by Eminem "Stan was meant to tell a story about a mentally ill fan who became obsessed with him and killed himself and his girlfriend because of how obsessed and sick also how he didn't write back to the fan though its not a true story" spencer spit out another fact, I smiled at the facts he said I lived when he spoke facts about the random estate things just not when I wanted to spend all my time with him and do fun things then I just wanted to tape his mouth shut everytime he tried saying his high iq facts. We switched out every other song until we got downtown "alright remember have fun only and no facts ok?" Going over what I wanted us to do tonight "right" he put his lips together nodding. We walked out the car hand in hand as we walked down the streets looking at all the older buildings and older designed buildings. We wemt to the record shop to find some more records for the apartment "look what I found" spencer came up to me "Elvis, babe we already have 5 of Elvis records put it back" I said looking through some soft jazz artists, spencer walked up yo me with a dirty dancing soundtrack "yes" that was all I said that put a smile on his face I could tell he wanted it aswell "what about this" I said holding up a jazz record with 5 songs on each side, he took a good look too see if he knew any songs on it "yeah mabye we could clean while it plays or mabye slow dance" I said with a smile "yeah ok y/n the only time you'll get me to dance if you give me a kiss before hand you know that" he said with a smirk "ok reidc I said letting out a small laugh before going up to the counter and paying for the 2 records and walking out "what next" I said we looked around "clothing store I wanna see of they have any new vests one of mine ripped and I liked that one" he said walking over to the store "clothes it is" I said to myself before walking in after him "see anything you like" I said looking for vests myself that he might like "y/n I can't find anything I like over here, see anything I might like over there?" He asked sounding disappointed "yeah actually I see 3 come check to see if you like them" I said waving him over, he checked each of them out and liked them one a dark blue, one a dark green with light greens wave patters, and a plain dark green. We bought the vest and walked around more u til we ran into a ice-cream store "want ice cream" I asked looking at the talk man debating if he wanted some or not "yeah why not" he said walking in the store "y/l/ n what flavor ya want" he asked I just told him to get the same thing as him, it took him a few minutes to get the ice creams and pay but it was worth it because the ice-cream was the best "it's like 6:48 it'll get darks soon when do you wanna head back" he asked me as the wind blew through his hair  " just long enough to see the street lights around here to light up so I'd say 20 more minutes" I said continuing too eat my ice cream. By the time we were done eating it was 7, the lights had lit up just around the time I estimated, "ready to head home it's cold out here" he laughed "yeah let's go" I took his hand and we started walking to our car with both the bags in my other hand.

We rushed into the door of our apartment because we were cold, I set the bags down on the counter in the kitchen "sleep" he said and I couldn't agree more I was tired and so was he we had worked all day and went out I'd say it was a successful fun day. I changed out of my clothes into shorts and a tee shirt of Spencer's that wasn't a button up, spencer changed into loose pajama pants and no shirt, for somebody who said they were cold they didn't wanna were a shirt. I slipped into bed next to spencer turning the light off "ahh your feet are cold don't put them on me" he said pushing my legs away "y/n stop I'm serious they are cold" he screeched while laughing "ok ok ill stop" I said moving my feet away from him while he moved closer putting his arms around me and his head on my stomach drifting off to sleep.

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