teen romance (mgg) pt1

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I met Matthew 2 years ago freshman year, he stuck out to me because he was funny and cute. I remember when I started talking to him and we became bestfriends, he's a great bestfriend, every weekend we go out on walks or out to get drinks from the gas station.

We sat in a pre calculus class, we were both bored by it, nothing exiting ever happened in this class ever. We always tried to keep eachother occupied since we sat right by eachother. I grabbed a pen from my back and I guess the zipper or something about my bag was distracting because the teacher spoke up "y/n what are you doing that's causing all that noice, keep it down and pay attention otherwise you're gonna fail this class" she said before turning back to her lesson, I rolled my eyes at her , I pulled Matthew 's arm into my hand, I started too draw on him smiley faces and hearts and snakes even some stick figures. I doodled all over his arm until the end of the period.

When we walked out the door of the class we just had we walked to lunch, "you know it's almost the weekend we need to go get drinks and go on our walks" I said walking by his side turning the corner of the building "I know I know but how about we go skating this weekend I heard there is a new rink near and I wanna go before the floor gets all messy and lifted up" he said opening the lunchroom doors for the both of us, I walked in and told him thank you going into the line of kids to get their lunch "that's something new but I'm down" I said as the line slowly moved up.

We got our lunch and sat down at our table chattering away the whole lunch, every word I spoke to him the more I realized that his voice was a type of soothing and he was a comfronting person to be with "Listen I got to go to history but I'll see you later" Matt said before walking the opposite direction once we got outside the lunchroom, I walked away to my science class and waited for it to be over it was a 45 minute class and I was getting bored out of my mind, It was getting close, the last 5 minutes.

Finally I practically ran out of the room looking for Matthew but I didn't see him so I went outside and waited under a tree and let the wind blow my hair in my face, I slapped my face a few times trying to get the hair out of my face from it being so annoying but it wasn't long after I saw Matthew walk out of the building looking around and spotting me like Waldo but in a crowd of hormonal teenagers. He walked over to me and grabbed my hands pulling me up off the ground and walking with me to his car so we could go out and go to the new rink like we had talk about previously.

We pulled into the parking lot of the rink and sat there until more cars pulled in and people got out so we didn't feel alone and be the first ones and make it weird, while we waited we talked "I got a 87 on my history test what did you get?" He asked putting his hand across the head of the seat "83" I responded "ha I got a better grade" he laughed pointing at me "yeah ok says the one who got a 65 on his math quiz while I got a 90" I smirked knowing i had him "fair enough" he looked at the parking lot alot more people had showed up and left to go in already "alright let's go" he said opening his car door and walking over to my side too open my door "thank you" I said "welcome", he walked by my side as we walked into the building infront of us it was full of colorful lights and music and people already skating around "let's go get skates" he said just slightly higher than the tone he used before so I could hear him over the music blasting through the rink "alright" I responded walking over to the counter to get my skates.

We got our skates and walked over to a bench and put the skates on and I walked on the floor first struggling because I havnt been skating since I was 12 and was with my friend, I hurt my tailbone and chest that night and never went skating again like ever until now at the age of 17. My feet went back and forth on the wheels with no control before I fell into Matthew's arms who himself was struggling to stand on the carpet considering a body had just fell into him, I stood myself back up and waited for Matthew to step down on the floor, when he did I latched onto him I didn't wanna fall not infront of the kids I went to school with and especially not infront of Matt I think I'm starting to like him, he's been nothing but a good person to me my whole life and I couldn't think of a better person to be with than him. He held my arms in his hands and started to skate taking me along with him "Matt you're gonna need to teach me how to do this" I said almost falling again "alright just chill I got you" he responded taking my hands and walking me infront of him or, well skating me infront of him, now don't aggressively put your foot down but just enough to push yourself off, I did as he said but still had the trouble getting the hang of it.

I tried a couple for time with his hand still In mine and I got the hang of it I just never let go of his hand and he never let go of mine, we skated together for about an hour before leaving.

We got into his car, it was getting pitch black out and the breeze hit our faces it felt good because we were all sweaty and stank, I rolled down the windows so we could feel the breeze as he drove but for right now we stayed still "y/n can I ask you something" he asked turning towards me, when he said it they way he did he was real curious and when he said it to me I was scared "yeah anything" I said camly "do you like me" he said in a very curious tone "um like what way" I wanted to temple up my words into small paper balls and throw them out of the window but I was nervous I couldn't tremble at all I could change the subject or anything "like you know love me", his words sounding worried now like if I said I didn't he would apologize for being awkward, "yeah I do I have" I said fast but just enough so he could hear what I said and I didn't have too repeat what I said , he took a sigh like he was relieved, "good because I have too and when you fell into me and help my hand I couldn't day I didn't like or live you anymore I had too" he said turning turning his body back to the front of the car holding the keys in his hands "I held your hand and didn't let go that should've been a obvious sighn" I said "well I'm glad we both like eachother because now I can kiss you" he said placing his lips on mine, they were soft and tasted like cherry chapstick, my cherry chapstick he had used a before we got Into the car, I put my hand on his jaw as I could feel it moving along with he kiss, he slipped his tounge in my mouth, our lips and heads moved along before I pulled away "we should get home tho I'm a little tired from that skating and that really annoying kid who ran into me and cried" I said letting out a little laugh replaying the kid falling in my head.

He drove me home but stopped me from opening the door "y/n I need too ask you something" he said putting his head down as if he was worried or nervous "ask" I said turning my head toward him "would you mabye like too be my girlfriend" he asked "yeah I will" I smiled and opened the door to his car "goodnight y/n"  "goodnight Matthew" I said leaving the car and going into my house.

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