bar (sr)

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I was at the bar with a few friends a couple hours of go but they had left with some guys, I hadn't drank much since I thought I was driving the two home but I took a few more knowing I'd probably be walking instead of taking my friends car like originally planned. I sat on the stool infront of the bar as a man came up to me, he looked nerdy with his suit and tie, but his hands told you differently, if you got a look at only his hands you'd think he was the hottest thing on earth. He was tho he was cute and kinda hot, his hair tucked just slightly behind his ears and he had this tight lip smile to just die for.

"Hi" I said, I was nervous and I wasn't lying I hadn't dated since I was a junior in highschool at the age of 17, now I'm 23 and live alone, I got a good look at him and his friend who was smiling at him from behind "hi I'm doctor spencer reid I'm with the fbi I was just wondering if you had seen this man" he asked holding up a picture of the what it looked like missing man "sorry, no I haven't but I'll do my best too keep an eye out" I wasn't mad that he didn't come over here too you know ask me out or something because I knew if I was I'd seem rude by wishing he'd ask me out instead of looking for a missing person. He walked back over too his friend as his smile of hope dropped a bit, the started walking off but they slowly stopped after that I stopped paying attention.

I now was just sitting there, waiting for nothing important to happen. I saw the same man from earlier who asked me about the missing man, he was coming back over to me, "h-hi I'm spencer" he said smiling and giggling just a bit "steal I remember" I smiled back knowing he already introduced himself too me about 20 minutes ago "I'm not back over here for the same thing I just I wanted too show you something" he said pulling out cards "magic?" I asked "yes...?" He made it a confusing voice "y/n" I corrected so he knew my name. He pulled his tricks and and a card from behind my ear and we talked but not for long since he was still on work hours "so uh can I mabye have your number" I asked him, he seemed sweet, he working for the fbi, he was nerdy and brunette what else could I ask for right? "Yeah, yeah you can just do hesitate to call me of you need me" he said giving me a business card with his number on it.

He walked away and left with his friends but I left alone, I'm sure he would've walked me out if he wasn't on work hours but I let it slide since he was, I walked home but I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me a couple of times "spencer?" I called out, it was foolish of me too think it was him but it was the only way too help sooth me and my thoughts of some creepy old guy and girl  with crusty hands following me, I hurried and got inside my apartment and got a shower, I made sure everything was locked like doors and windows around the apartment, I jumped into the shower and let the warm water run down my cold body and soak my hair.

When I got dressed from my shower I layed on my bed and just kinda chilled out deciding if I should read my empty planet book or romance novel, I decided on empty planet just too finish it up. I was reading peacefully or trying to but I kept hearing small noises, I figured I'd call spencer since he is a fbi agent and mabye could help me through the current situation. I called his phone and be picked up almost instantly, I guess we hit it off well earlier huh?

"Hey y/n what's up" he said through the phone "hey I was just wondering if you could stay on call with me until I figure out what these noises are" I said back "noises, what noises y/n?"  "I got out the shower and started finishing up a book but I keep hearing these noises almost exactly 7 minutes apart", I got out of bed and moved around my house slowly but quickly enough to get this over with. I saw nothing until I reached the guest bathroom, "what the hell are you in my house for" I said not even realizing I was on the phone, I didn't get a responce just a hand over my mouth and another hand taking my phone and hanging up on soencer. Those were gonna be the last words he heard from me for a little.

We walked out of the complex and walked over to his car, I say his as in brothers ex bestfriend Felix. He put me in the front seat untied and everything "you can't get out the  child lock is on" Felix said as he say from the corner of his eye me trying to find a way to leave this car "aw great what a surprise for me right, now what do I have to do with my brother besides that I'm related, to be fair you could've grabbed him  but we still would've found him" I said shifting in the seat "oh please like anybody would look for that bastard"  "oh please nothing, you know people would and he's not a basted if anything you are since you know you slept with his girlfriend and then dropped him" I said "ok I didn't do that thank you very much, all I did was drop him because he wasn't a good friend" he remarked correcting me "yeah ok who do you think I'll belive, my brother or his ex bestfriend who just broke into my house hung up on the guy I'm talking too and then proceeded to kidnap me" it was silent for a moment "just shut up and listen" he said turning up my favorite music.

When we pulled into this creepy looking building space spencer and his team was already there, spencer came over with his gun pointing it at Felix, I unlocked the doors and got out of the car walking over to spencer after he put Felix in the back of the police car and telling him his rights, "you know he should really start being smart and when he does kidnap somebody he needs to learn to turn the location off" soencer said placing his hand on my shoulder "I realized you're not a big hugger well according to Morgan over there" I said pointing at the same man who was in the star with soencer earlier "yeah I'm not but I'll make a exception for you" he said pulling me into a tight hug "hugging you ain't so bad" he said.

He held his grip tight until I went back to my apartment but he still held my hand on the way there and up the stairs into the building where he spent the night.

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