his ex (s.r)

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When I woke up I felt a way that I don't usally feel in the mornings I felt, ok and kinda happy. I stood up placing my feet on the floor walking to my kitchen, I was still in the sweater and shorts I wore the previous night, I made my self eggo waffles and poured a glass of orange juice but I never got too eat or drink it because I was called in to work just too looking over some cases because one of our agents who looked over them was out. I got dressed in black jeans with a dark forest green button up tucked in and converse. I brushed my hair and teeth before walking out the door and heading to work.

When I walked into the building I sat at my desk next to reids already going through files. We sat there for an hour and I had only gotten 4 done, I had heard loud footsteps come over mine and Spencer's way so I looked up too see Spencer's ex, his toxic one, "eve can we not do this right here or now" he asked softly hoping she would stop talking to him "no spence I wanna know did you cheat on me with her" she said pointing at me "what did I do" I asked out loud now mad at the woman for bringing me into this "y/n did you or did you not get with him when I was with him" eve asked making a snarky tone "you know that's the first time you've called me by my name but no I didn't get with him or sleep with him when yall were together so can you leave", eve was my bestfriend at the time when her and spence were together but after she cheated on him mid relationship and completely hurt him "I refuse too believe you because you both were wayyy too flirty" she said not giving up "me flirty with him, see no thats were you got this messed up, let's not forget the time when you were with spence and I was with my boyfriend and you slept with my damn boyfriend and then going too act like nothing happened, eve it happened" I said hopingly trying to embarrass her so she would leave "and?, you wanted him and I know it" she said, what the hell was wrong with this crazy mf  "you know eve you're right I did want him and I did for months and now I got him" I said before placing a small kiss on Spencer's lips "you make me sick" she said before walking out of the building, I had no responce because every respince I could given would've ended up with her coming back in and saying something nobody cares about so I kept my mouth shut "your a very good kisser by the way" reid said before returning to his work and so did I "so we just gonna pretend that whatever that was didn't just happen" Morgan questioned jj from his desk "I guess so" she said before going back to her desk.

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