a date (mgg)

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A short story on how I, y/n met my future husband, Matthew gray gubler. A site, a site can be so much more than putting yourself as a somebody who tries too be funny or tries to be as relatable too the generation as possible, and I will tell you how it can be so much more. March 18th 2009, this was the day I met Matt.

March 18th 2009

I was home bored and alone well not completely alone I lived with my cat, goldy, but I wanted somebody who wasn't my cat I wanted somebody too love. I made my way onto a dating app, I signed up but I wasn't exactly sure what I signed up for because I didn't expect somebody so amazing to come into my life. Alot of swipes were tipped toward no until I came across him. I read the description, he seemed nice it was full of sweet things said about him and his age and name , matthew age 29, his age was fine I was 27 and a 2 year gap wasn't that big of a deal. He was the first person I said yes too.

It wasn't long before I got a match with him and started to text him. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee sometime mabye meet?" I asked making the first move "oh yeah, you live around or in Quantico Virginia?" He asked back, "yeah I don't live to far from there I'll meet you south range park yeah?" I said waiting for a response from him "i'll pick pick you up, tomorrow 10 am" he said with a smiley face, so far he was kicking it off "sounds like a plan, see you then". I turned off my phone and watched as the time went by waiting for tomorrow.

8 am March 19th 2009

I woke up feeling happy with myself and I knew exactly why, i went into my bathroom doing my hair and brushing my teeth,walking over to my closet i looked through dresses and shirts and pants trying too find the right match. I passed so many good choices but chose a pair on converse with a shoulder poof baby blue flower dress, basic but nice for the date. I grabbed a nice crossover bag and made sure my hair wasn't a mess. I made sure everything was turned off and the ac was on for when I got back, then I walked put the door walking to the end of the street where Matthew was supposed to pick me up.

Matthew's pov

I was happy to finally hopefully find somebody too have, I chose a pair of kinds loose jeans with a nice sweater but not one where it would make me sweat just a sweater too let the breeze in. I walked out the door making sure my hair was ok but of course it was, I drove to the street y/n told me to go to, I pulled into the end of the street and saw her sitting on the curb, she was pretty  and looked so sweet. I got out the car and walked up to her " hey y/n right?" I asked wanting too make sure I got it right "yes, correct" she smiled, her smile was so pure and sweet "alright let's go" I said walking over to her side of the car and opening her door "thank you" she said climbing into the front seat of the car, I got into the driver's side and started to drive to the park.

We pulled into the parking lot of the park, I got out of the car and walked over to her side opening the door for her , she got out and thanked me again we walked over to a empty spot on the grass, "so whats a hobby you like" I asked it was a awkward question but I wanted a conversation with her "yeah actually I like reading what about you?" She asked "yeah I like acting and reading" I said but what I hoped what slipped out didn't ruin anything "oh so you're a actor that's cool" she said as if she had kind of lost interest "you don't like that do you?" I said "no thats not a problem at all I just don't wanna make you feel like I'm using you for what you have" she said "I know you're not because I didn't mention a single thing about that on my page and you still wanted to go out with me" I said making sure she knew that I knew she wasn't gonna use me, my phone dinged I checked it, I had ordered take out a little while ago and it finally arrived "hey listen I'm sorry I'll be right back" I said getting up to get the food.

I payed and walked over to y/n, "here I got us some take out I hope you like Chinese food" I said opening the bag taking the food out "I love it" she replied opening the small boxes of food.

After we ate we cleaned up and went on a drive talking about things we liked too do and things we liked in general and I realized we had alot in common.

2 months later

Y/ns pov

Spencer and I went out alot more from that day and we both had a great time, it was until he asked me to be his girlfriend, of course I said yes I loved him he was funny talented cute and smart. We dated for a while we actually dated for 3 years and everyday nothing changed.

"I was thinking we go out and see a movie and get some food after or we can go to that new trampoline park and then go out to eat" I said walking from the kitchen into the living room where Matthew had sat on the couch "wanna just go out to eat" he said looking at me "no I wanna go out and do something then go out to eat" I smiled "them let's go to that park it'll make us hungry and tired" he said standing up walking back to our shared room opening the closet picking out a breezy shirt and sweat pants and Nikes, he picked out a bigger shirt, sweatpants and converse for me, he threw the clothes at me when I walked into the room "here" he said already getting changed.

I changed as well and grabbed my keys too my car and told Matt too hurry up. We got in the car, it was a rainy stormy day, we headed out to the trampoline park, Matt's hand was placed on my leg while he got aux.

We pulled into the lot getting out of the car and walking into the park, we signed wavers and payed for socks. We spent hours in the park, we were all sweaty and gross, Matt's hair was all in his face, he laid on one of the trampolines catching his breath "you look hot with your hair in your face" I said sitting next to him "thanks you always look hot" he said standing up grabbing my hands too help me up "cmon let's go a bite too eat"  "alright" I said walking to the boxes full of shoes, I grabbed mine and Matt's shoes and put them on.

We arrived at the Chinese place down the street and ordered our food, we sat down in a small booth in the corner of the restaurant and ate our food. When we finished our conversation and food we payed and went home. "Listen I gotta work tomorrow, I know we planned too go and shop and watch a movie but I just got called in a few minutes ago" Matthew said putting his phone away "aw man but-" I was cut off by him "I know and I'm sorry but I also like working on that show" he said giving me a kiss on the head "ok well not cool leaving your girlfriend to shop on her own" I said walking past him grabbing his wallet "and not cool too use your boyfriends wallet" he gave a tight lipped smile while snatching his wallet from my hand "fine but just know I'm so not getting you lunch" I said patting his shoulder "thats fine" he said moving himself over to the couch.

10 pm rolled around we climbed into bed, spencer cuddled me from behind putting his head in my neck drifting off to sleep.

3 years later

Matt and I had got married a year ago but nothing had still changed, we had talked about having kids and mabye even working on it at times but because of Matthew's job and him having to be away most times we just stopped trying for a few months, that was until I found out I was pregnant a week ago, now it was time too tell Matthew.... at work. That's how I wanted too tell him that way he didn't need too tell everybody a million times, I drive onto the set and walked into the stage he was filming in, I waited until it was their break time too tell them all. I walked into the group of people "ok Matthew I'm telling you this now and here so they don't need too hear it a million times" I said making a confused face on Matthew "Matt I'm pregnant" I said "but I, we stopped trying months ago because of our jobs mostly mine though" he said stumbling his words "yeah I know I just I think its a nice surprise for the both of us"  "yeah it's is definitely" he smiled giving me a tight hug aswell as everybody else on set but it seemed like Matt wouldn't let go even when we got home "still so happy you're pregnant" he said smiling.

It's been years since I said I was pregnant, in that time I had given birth too a baby boy named Riley Jack gubler, we had made aj and my bestfriend xander the God parents. Riley had just turned 4 last month on March 27th. Life was good, I had my friends, my husband, and my son all because of a site.

spencer and matthew imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant