first and last day (sr)

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It was Spencer's first day at the fbi, he had worn suits and ties before, alot of times, he wanted too look nice on his first day so he got dressed in a suit and tie.

Spence and I had been talking but both of us weren't bold enough to make the move. The weird thing was is I stayed at his place alot, like alot. I walked into his room while he was halfway done buttoning up his shirt, I picked up the tie from his bed and held it in my hands until he finished with his shirt, he kept his eyes on me "you know you dont need too put my tie on I'm 22 I can put a tie on" he laughed "I know I just wanna help out you know" I said smiling putting his tie on, I tightened his tie up just a pit on pulled the collar, " all set" I said with a tight lip smile patting his shoulder "Listen I gotta go but I'll tell you everything when I get home" he said before giving me me small hug, although he didn't like touch from alot of people he accepted mine. I waited for him to come home until I got a call from spence "hey I'll be home a little later I'm still in training for a little" he said over the phone "you want be for long because your IQ says other wise" I spoke "yeah thanks, anyway I gotta go see you in a bit" he said before hanging up, I knew training was taking a while because the team was on a case and wouldn't be back until another day or 2 if the case went well, it would be hard to deal with spence gone since he would be one of them but I knew I had to deal with it and I needed a way to live with it.


Today was Spencer's last day it was time to end the job with the bau, he had been there 15 years and he needed a change. We dated for 5 years before getting engaged a year later and that same year we also got married, alot has changed since 2005, we've now been married for 9 years and everyday just got better and better. We had a small talk about having a kid or 2 but we decided just too wait till he was out of the fbi but we couldn't because we didn't want to be old parents so instead of being pregnant we went through a process of adopting a 12 year old girl 2 years ago, she is now 14 and doing well she does softball and she tries in school and her grades have went up ever since we adopted her, her name is Peyton and we both are very proud of the way she has grown up and we've talked about adopting another kid mabye even Peyton little brother Isaiah so she could have blood family.

I did what I did 15 years ago, I walked into our now shared bedroom of the house while spencer was getting dressed putting his belt on, I picked up the tie from the bed and waiting for his shirt to be on, once it was on I put the tie on putting collar down and tightening it up a little, "y/n I'm 38 I can put a tie on" he smiled "I just wanted too be a help" I smiled back patting his shoulder "all set" I said repeating the same words I said 15 years ago "have a good day" I planted a kiss on his lips before he walked out the door and went on his last case for who knows how long.

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