i hate it here (mgg)

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I screamed before my brother came into my room asking me what the problem was "yo what's your problem"  "you wanna know what my problem is Wayne, I'M IN LOVE WITH A 42 YEAR OLD WHO DOSN'T EVEN KNOW I EXIST" I yelled "ok fox and friends I didn't ask you to SCREAM IN MY EAR" he yelled back "SORRY HES JUST SO AHHHHHHHH" I screamed again flopping down on my pillow screaming there "I'm sorry I asked I will now from this moment never ask about your love life, sex life, or school life ever" he said before making an aggressive wave "Go away" I said throwing my shoe at him "ok that was uncalled for" he said slamming my door "WHHHHYYY CANT I BE 42 AND HOT" I screamed again "SHUT UP" Wayne yelled from his room I stopped and screamed in my head.

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