10.How to Control it (pain of deseperation)

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At the hospital *
Dr., "Your illness has decreased and is almost cured and you guys are married so now onwards don't take contraceptives, because it also has a bad impact on health ".

"Dr. If they do not o it anymore, will it be alright, or it does have a bad effect on their health ?" asked Sam's mother.
Dr. was looking at both of their faces which already got pale, "It won't affect them for now but they can't take it for so long ."
Sam's mother, "What if the distance of two years ? ... Like I'm saying because of their education"
Dr. "Fine"

Sam's Mother after reaching home, "Well I can sense how you guys are feeling after making lots of efforts to let you both married !"
Both looked questioningly and both their face turned red while Sam's mother was raising an eyebrow at them, they both looked at each other and then down to the floor.

"You remembered that day when one month had completed and we took you to the hospital for your check to see if you were okay or not then when we were discussing the things I saw you guys listening to us from behind the walls and then when your face turned pale and Sam took your hand and then took you to the doctor, I followed both of you and when you were requesting to the dr. I was the one to make a sign to say yes to you and whatever he said it's all because of my consultation. So dear how was that? Well if you're smart then always remember I'm your mother ".
Sam and Kiara both smiled with uneasiness and tried to step behind so that they could run and hide their face inside any pillow but his mom stopped them and said, "Don't get embarrassed so easily dear first listen to my things. So Kiara you're doing the course of advertising and you Sam regarding business, so ?"
Both nodded without any reaction.

" Soooooo, "Sam's mother so had gone too long that they understand something was going on in her mind and they looked questioningly at each other," Well you're lucky to have a short course so you've to control yourself for just these two years you guys are going to have no sex. I know you're awkward in the way I'm saying but you guys are grown up and even have that knowledge too and another thing  is in these two months until you didn't just pass your final exams with the good grades you're going to live in separate rooms ."

Both of them weren't even able to swallow their saliva even, with these words she went from there.
'Short course, just three years, and already you've completed your first years so for two years different rooms, good grades ", both of them said together as if they were going to get fainted.

"So after repeatedly having sex every night for one month and now have to stay in different rooms and have no sex until two years...hahaha", laughed Sam's best friend Tarun over the phone "So sir tell me how are you feeling after this ! country wants to know ?" said Tarun laughing even more hardly.
"You bastard! Stop laughing like stupid !" said Sam while Tarun couldn't stop laughing but Sam had ended the call.
"He was right and the thing is when we didn't want it then we were ordered to have sex and when really are in need they made us fall apart, fuck off !" Sam smashed his hand at the door. "Ahh!" he screamed because while smashing in frustration he forgot that it was his hand.

Kiara came running to help him and wound him. This time his mind was almost revolting, he was just about to kiss her when he saw her mom standing just behind Kiara.
But then he made an excuse by saying, "Let me do it myself, you're making it hurt ", by this he took the first aid box and went away in embarrassment. While Kiara couldn't stop laughing pressing her lower lip so her laugh wouldn't turn into the louder one, Sam's mother look at her and lowered her eyes but when she reached her room she really laughed hard.

At night time 8'0 clock, Sam and Kiara saw, Sam's mom watching the movie "Aadmi Khilona Hai". While watching the movie they suddenly looked at each other and Sam said, "Oh god! It was the reason why mom drifted us apart, nowadays mom is watching too many films that's why she's applying those things even on us, oh man what should I say I really don't have words now !"
"But why us, even though we have different situations than them, God !!" said Kiara pressing her forehead.
Both of them went into their respective rooms, Kiara was reading her novel and Sam was thinking about something.

"Maybe, Mom is applying the situations on us but I'm not horny like Govinda who roams around Meenakshi 24×7. So I'll stay away from Kiara but how would you sleep when you're having the addiction of something, oh god, ", Sam was in his mind.
Sam was changing positions but there was no name for sleeping while reading the boring part of the book Kiara fall asleep while Sam was still awoken and he had to masturbate until he didn't sleep.

Next day,
Sam got up, took a bath, and went for breakfast, he saw Kiara in the kitchen wearing a salwar suit, she was helping Sam's mother in the kitchen.
Now she was coming towards the dining table where Sam have been sitting with his dad. While serving the food, Kiara had bent a little down as she had worn a little deep and loose suit due to which something that was capable of making Sam horny was visible Sam's eyes ran through it, his throat went dry, and he rushes towards his room, making the reason of pee. He took his breath over there. He closed his eyes and said to himself," Sam you're not going think about this again".

At the dining table, Sam's father said, "It's been more than five minutes, he didn't come back, Kiara go and check where he is ".

Kiara went into his room, he stood still for a while but after seeing her there, he started moving towards her to kiss her. He pushed her against the wall and when he was just about to kiss her, Sam's mom called from outside at the dining table and Sam's hand hit the wall.

This time he decided and made up his mind to ignore her, he went to the table to eat and ignored her. Sam's father was shocked about his behaviour while his mom was laughing inside her lips thinking of her son who was behaving like a child.

From the next day onwards their college was reopening, so they were packing things for their school.
After struggling a lot, finally, he was able to ignore her and this time while going to sleep he didn't masturbate despite it he tried to read a book and as he wasn't interested lot much in books so he hadn't realized when he fell asleep and Kiara was laughing at his strange behavior at the dining table while thinking of him and trying to sleep.

In the morning, he remembered that one of his books was in Kiara's room, he hurriedly went to her room because it was his college today and also had to attend his French class as he was learning French these days and he had to take auto rikshaw at 7:30 to learn French and after that at 8;30  he used to take rikshaw for his college.

When he opened the door, what he saw made his throat go dry, he found that Kiara was in a single towel changing her clothes, and because she had forgotten to close the door and Sam suddenly opened it. It was like Kiara's this situation have a special type of magic on him that he straightly started moving towards her and closer then his mom's voice came from behind "Sam get ready first, otherwise you're going to get late " After listening to his mom's voice he got his consciousness back, it was like if he just came out of illusion. Kiara ran towards the bathroom while Sam took his book and came outside trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

Sam take an auto rikshaw and went for coaching (french classes), he was not able to focus on his study because of Kiara's seductive figure that he saw in the morning is roaming inside his mind. After coaching Sam went to college, he found Kiara talking' to someone else unknown, ' a boy and a girl ', he thought of them as her new friends because he didn't see them before with her except for her best friend Tanvi who always and whole day used to be with her.

After walking for some distance, Sam met Tarun, his best friend and he was repeatedly teasing him, "One month's sex addiction became two years distance ". While Sam put his hand over his mouth and punch his stomach asking where is Tanvi, Tanvi was Tarun's girlfriend.
"Maybe today she gets a little late ", said Tarun, "okay, said Sam.

Around 3'0 clock, they reached their home back from different autos at different times along with their friends. Three days went as usual, it was their fourth day when Sam found that same boy roaming around Kiara and cracking jokes to make her laugh for getting her attention and looking towards her in a different way he knows that it wasn't affectionate or adorning look but it was something different. He feel like holding Kiara's hand took her along with him but he need to hide his marriage from college until he complete college then he ignored her thinking of Kiara is mature and she'll understand from herself.

Days were going the same and Sam kept ignoring that boy thinking of his mind's illusion and maybe it was because he was too protective about Kiara.

On next Monday, he saw Kiara got that boy's text on Facebook and she was replying to that text, his name was Sahil Raturi, he ignored it but as the days were going their texts and school meets were increasing and time Sam and Kiara's distance were increasing too, this was making Sam insecure.

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