18. At Restaurant

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Sam was trying to stop his cheeks from smiling while Raghu keep teasing him then Lavanya came and sat at his table saying "Hey!"
"Hello', said Sam hiding his smile and pulling chair for Lavanya to sit. While Raghu made his way out of the restaurant excusing himself .
"Well , I'm sorry for that day in the hotel because of me you were upset while you were searching for Kiara to be there we lied to you ", said Lavanya with the guilt over her face.
"No, no it's okay . That's not the matter actually I was tired and little exhausted after long hours of work , I didn't mean that behaviour " interrupted Sam ,"By the way who told you about Kiara?"
"Tarun Sir told me about her. I'm sorry . I didn't knew about her otherwise I hadn't bother you , the way I did all the time we met ", said Lavanya .
Sam clenched his fist for a while thinking of "Isn't that bastard was the one to inspire me for this idea of a new relationship and what the hell he himself doing? spoiling it !" .... "Oh " he replied. "Are you fine now ?" asked Lavanya .
"Yeah , I'm fine ! You tell how's your studies are going ? "asked Sam not wanting to end the conversation.
It was the first time when Sam talked to Lavanya with a smile and asked something so she blushed and replied " Well , my half semester had been over and this is my last year".
"Then what are you thinking of doing after your graduation?"asked Sam .
"After exams I've six months of training then job ",she replied.
She was trying to look away from him , the way he was looking at her . She was blushing while the butterflies were inside her stomach and she was getting goosebumps, feeling more like to jump in the air and to scream out of joy .

She wasn't able to maintain eye contact with him and she was feeling like kissing him the way sun was reflecting from the transparent glasses of restaurant directly on his cheeks , his brown skin was shining while his eyes were gazing at her . His silky hairs were on his forehead
But the thinking of Kiara she put away her thoughts and lost in silence while Sam said , "What do you like to order ? " trying to make conversations .
"Oh that ! Anything", said Lavanya .
Sam ordered, American Capachino with some pizza samosa .
They both are in silence when we there gaze met they gave the little smile to each other.

After they finished eating , "Would like to have a little walk outside ?" asked Sam . Lavanya nodded with smile surprised with his behaviour.
They were walking under the tree where the leaves were falling over them , it was an autumn season with different kind of leaves , red , yellow , green , vine colour etc. "Isn't the autumn is beautiful?" said Sam while Lavanya was lost in her own thoughts while trying to catch up with Sam as he was a little fast walker with big feet while it goes opposite with Lavanya .
"Yeah , Autumn season is beautiful, the leaves of different colours , and most of the time it is winding , I feel so much relaxed in this season ," replied Lavanya while Sam started walking little slow noticing her footsteps.

"What about your and Kiara's relationship? I mean did you find her ? I saw that day the pain in your eyes of the disappearance of loved one !" asked Lavanya trying not to sound so hurt and thinking of if theirs relationship still do exist then she'll move away .
Sam hesitated for a bit trying to get some words but something stuck at his throat while he was trying to gather words until he could speak, "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it ", said she while biting her lower lip thinking of what to say .
"Actually.....", Sam was about to say something until she said ,"How's Tarun Sir , I hadn't me him since that day ? " .
" He's good !" said he .
"You were about to say something ?"
"Yeah ! No ... Actually it wasn't something important is just slipped from my mind what I was about to say !" said Sam gulping down the huge stuck at his throat .
"Well , where we're heading too ? " asked Lavanya .
"I think we've come little after from the restaurant there's a parking ahead"
"Oh ! Did you park your car over there?"
"Yeah!" replied Sam , "Do you want me to drop you by your apartment?"
"Oh it's fine , I had parked my scooter near the restaurant ", said she .
"Then sit in my car I'll drop you by restaurant we're little from there right now ! "
Lavanya nodded in silence, they both sat in the care while Sam drove in silence lost in his own thoughts and Lavanya too didn't bother herself to say much .

Soon they were outside the restaurant while Lavanya bid him bye and Sam went ahead looking back from his mirror .

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