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"Hello" , Tarun over the phone .
"Well , whol told you to tell Lavanya about Kiara ? Weren't you the one lecturing me over a new beginning ?" said Sam furiously.
"Finally , you started taking interest in girls after a long time . I thought you became binary after Kiara !" tease Tarun .
"Just stay quiet ok "
"Don't be an angry bird and listen !
I told Lavanya about Kiara so that when she ask about her to you , you'd be able to tell something to her as I knew during those times it's been so difficult for you so you wouldn't say anything by yourself. Did you both meet ? "
There was a huge silence.
"I met Lavanaya at the restaurant she asked me about her but I didn't know what to say so she herself said 'it is okay if you don't want to talk about it !' I don't know how to say it , it was like something heavy stuck in my throat " , said Sam .
"Past is always like a heavy burden , that we keep carrying until it takes all of us or before some terrible thing doesn't happen .You've to drop that heavy burden from yourself ,Sam . I know it'd be difficult to say anything but trust me if you'd try to tell her about it than it'd feel lot better and you'd able to differentiate between Kiara and Lavanya . Otherwise you will keep finding Kiara in Lavanya !"

Again there was a huge silence over the phone and Sam knew that whatever Tarun had said was truth .
"Okay then , bye " said Sam .
"Ok" said Tarun and ended the call as he knew that Sam needed a little space to think and time to heal .

After a long thoughtful moment ,
Sam called Lavanya , "Hello ", she said in a soft tone .
"Hello " Sam's tone seemed heavy as Lavanya recognised his voice and her heart skipped a beat , "It's Sam , how are you ? "
"Oh! I'm fine , what about you ? "
"Good , are you free today I've to talk to you over something? " asked Sam .
"Okay "
"So whenever you're free call me and we'd meet at the same restaurant as yesterday , " said he .

After two hours at evening four Lavanya called him , "Hello " , she said trying to gulp down while making the effort to speak something.
"Should I come then ?" asked he.
"Yeah , I'll be there soon " , said she .
"Okay! " he ended the call.

Sam reached early at the restaurant as he had grabbed the courage with a long effort and he couldn't loose it .
After a while Lavanya reached there too , he ordered some cold drink and sat on the chair folding his arms and legs crossed while Lavanya was bit of awkward trying to think why did he called her and rubbing her thighs and palms under the table to ease her anxiety .

"Well , yesterday you asked me about Kiara and I didn't able to say anything. So today I called you here for telling you about her ," listening to this something just knock inside Lavanya's heart , she didn't understand why but still she was trying to hold her feelings back .

"It was 4 years ago when we met at the school when our exams were going that time we accidentally run into each other " , he told her about the moment where he first met her .
"When I first met her I was little much attracted to her as that time we repeatedly met for three days even if it was just for a moment and she already had crush on me , I came to realise it when we were living together and I read her diary " , he told her about what he had read in her diary and how they end up living together .
"Later both of us fell in love and my parents loved her too , she too liked my parents then one day , " he told her about the incident in school with Sahil and what happened after .
"Kiara was depressed, for that one week she didn't eat properly, neither she talked or dressed up , the only thing that I felt that time was guilt which was making it hard for me and our parents were but worried about us so they deliberately send Kiara to live in my room as we could talk . First it seemed very tough to talk but later we made it ", he told about how they made it .
"Later our parents decided that both of us should get married but with some restrictions ", he told her that how they made a plan with doctor for getting married while his mother was already familiar with it .

"After our marriage every thing was fine and Kiara was pregnant, I had gotten a job and she too had one but than again Sahil entered in our lives ", he told her about what he did to her and how he and everyone blamed Kiara leaving her on her own when she needed them most .
"After two years when I and Tarun were in the Netherlands and I was driving drunk then I found her again ", he told her about Kiara's diary and how sorry he was but Kiara hadn't forgiven him .

"After I returned back from Netherlands I had hallucinations of her . In my hallucinations I saw her moving away from me blaming me , I had nightmares in which Rohit was torchering her , when we all blamed her and left her there at front of our house wearing a hospital gown looking dead and pale , that image was alive in my mind which used to haunt me everytime. Later when Tarun told me to move on and I saw my parents sufferings along with me , I decided to take help and went to therapist, I started getting better , I left drinking and kept myself busy in work so that those images wouldn't haunt me but still it was hard to sleep , I used to take sleeping pills but its been somedays that I'm getting a good sleep without pills ".

After listening to Sam Lavanya had tears in her eyes , she didn't know what to say , she didn't have any idea how to comfort Sam but this time he seemed firm.
"I know it'd feel horrible to listen it but now I'm fine and she had moved on in her life and finally I'm too . After getting some therapy sessions and remainders of Tarun that 'Everything happens for a reason , we think because of our mistakes we loose people but you can't escape what you're fated for and you're destined too . You've to be broken to heal , damaged to be wise , suffer to live !'
I realised she was at peace now and happy while helping others , providing service to needy ones and she had find her purpose, it was her destiny even if I hadn't broke her heart still somehow she might have end up the same ",said Sam
"I remembered the last word she said to me , "I realised in these two years that life is not a fairy tale that when Beauty meet Beast , Cinderella meet Henry , Rapunzel meet Flynn or the Snow white meet William then they've happy ending but it is quite different in reality. We all have different purpose in our lives and finding that purpose and doing what we love or we've dreamt for is the real happiness ! ".

Lavanya smiled and nodded while her eyes were filled with tears .

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