11.Why this has happened?

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On this Sunday , Sam found Sahil was flirting with Kiara on chats , it was making Sam even more insecure . He saw that Sahil replied to a story Kiara had put on the story with the word "sexy". Sam just lost in the another , he found no way like what was happening , he felt like if he's
surrounded with darkness . He found no sign of light in the world of his dark thoughts, insecurities and fear of loosing Kiara.

Next day , he went straight to Tarun ,"I don't know how to tell it , how to make it better , I'm not able to explain what I'm feeling ! Everytime it makes me to feel that trouble I just can't explain , it gives me heartache and I really don't know what to do ", said Sam telling everything to Tarun .

Tarun patted on his back and said , 'I know you're having lots of insecurities but trust me my friend , she loves you only and that's enough ."

"How could I believe after seeing these things and the way our relationship falling apart , I know she loves me but there's nothing between us like before what should I do ?"asked Sam

"Sam , your insecurities are the one which are making you trouble due to which you've forgotten the Kiara's diary entry , still after seeing Sahil you forgot that you've been married to Kiara . Bro she is just yours and there's no way that someone going to take her away from you but still if you've any type of insecurity , just talk to her and made it clear about your insecurities and that bastard who keep roaming around her , don't let your insecurities turned out into emotional ego or something bad !" said Sam.

Sam nodded in agreement.
The another friend who was standing with them and listening to them , Rajan had put his hand inside his pocket took out the condom handed over to Sam and said ,"Bro you need it this time , let her know about your manhood power keep it with you , I've got extra one today because today's night I'm staying at my girlfriend's home because her parents are out ", he winked while saying this.
"Don't listen to him , he is crazy fucking drunk man !!" said Tarun.

Sam was slowly moving hands to give it back but Rajan already had puted flame on his insecurities and ego that was about to lit up , so he just kept it back inside his pocket . After coming back to home , he found that there's no one at home , he saw a note on the table .
"We're going to Reeta's wedding , your preparation for final examinations is going on so we aren't taking you together yet, we'll be back till tomorrow morning."

Kiara reached home ,
She also read the note and through her bag tiredly on the side laying over there . Just at that moment she got a text from Sahil that was ,"I Love You ", and a one paragraph more . Sam saw it from behind of her and this made him furious.
Before Kiara could read more he locked the main door than rush towards Kiara like a hungry dog , he lifts her up , took her to his room ,closed the doors and windows and drew the curtains and climbed upon her , he started making her unbutton hurriedly when he found difficulty at unbuttoning her upper dress he tore it . Kiara thought of if he has little jealousy and due to these all days bit horny mood swing and also they haven't spend time with each other and he was struggling to ignore her that's why Sam's reaction was something different , he wholly naked her .
This version of Sam was making curious she was about to ask what are you doing but until that Sam puted his tongue inside her mouth and didn't let it out for long so she found it difficult to breathe. Then he puted on his condom and started moving while Kiara was still in shock about his behaviour and stood quiet if he would stop but it was getting harder for Kiara , " please little slowly", she murmured under her breath while he even started doing more faster and harder than before .
Now it was hurting Kiara it's been an hour since Sam couldn't taking a name of getting stop , she even begged him for letting her go but this time she just lost her energy so she stopped struggling .
After the fulfilment of his anger , insecurities and ego he left her there like a dead body and went to another room for sleep .
Kiara wasn't able to move and stay lying on a bed in same condition. At midnight she got up and somehow dressed herself she couldn't sleep whole night wondering if what exactly happened to him and why he did this , at morning she left numb on bed asking herself,"Why this has happened?"

Kiara's health was falling and Sam's parents were able to see that everytime she seemed lost in her own thoughts and in a different world.
They also noticed Sam's behavior that had been changed these days , he just used to study and nothing . No sports , no telivision , nothing as he had interested in these all things so much that he didn't even used to live without them .
"Why Sam did that all ?" The thought of this always makes Kiara shivered during nights , she didn't able to sleep even sometimes , she used to stare at that empty space for whole night .
Everyone notices the way she was dying from inside but doesn't even utter a word .
Tarun and Tanvi had noticed these all.

"Hlooo, how are youuu?" Tanvi on call with Tarun.
"Hm .... I'm fine you say ", said Tarun.
"Nothing is fine! you can see these days Kiara and Sam they aren't like before how they actually used to be ,none of them used to talk about what happened between them !Do you know anything ?"asked Tanvi .
" I don't know much but yes it's from that day when Sam told me that he was having some insecurities and not doing well ", said Tarun.
"What type of insecurities ??", interuppted Tanvi .
"About Sahil ", said Tarun.
"About Sahil!! Why so ?" said Tanvi in a confusing way .
Tarun told her everything.
"Oh god ! And it's the only reason, you know what that bastard Sahil was too cheap and when he proposed Kiara in the College , she rejected him and even he tried to get close to her but she slept him and after that Kiara was saying he keep texting her but nowdays it seemed like he had been left the school .  I haven't seen him anywhere. Okay listen ! I think we should talk to them otherwise both of them will be going to die like this !" said Tanvi .
"Hm.. you're right , today is Sunday and they'll be quiet free so we should talk to them , okay byy ." With this Tarun ended the call.
"Hello ", Sam said over the phone .
"Hey dude ! What's up "asked Tarun .
"You're asking like , you've never seen me before , don't you see me everyday in school !"said Sam.
"I'm not asking about the Sam that you've been becoming now , I'm asking about the Sam that we have before, why you become like this , don't you see Kiara's pain , don't you see anyone accept yourself , what happened to you ?" said Tarun.
A great silence took over the phone.

"Are you going to tell me over phone or should I come there ? "asked Tarun.
Now Sam had been broke into flood of tears , he told her everything happened that day .
"I've told you before that don't listen to that drunky bastard Rajan , that day but still you do listen , let it go  but why don't you make clarify Kiara everything?" said Tarun.
"I was afraid to face her , I was having guilt and also seen that bastard Sahil roaming around her again and saw her smiling while talking to him  . But later i didn't see him", said Sam.
"You've just seen Kiara smiling but don't you have seen her fake smile and tears behind that smile but I don't have expected from you that after doing this to Kiara you were doubting her , have you ever think of how does she feel when she looked at you after doing that to her , how did she staying with you , you know what that bastard had proposed her ,she said no and when she said no he forcefully tried to get close to her and then she slept him and that day you did that to her and you know what ?why she still chooses to stay because she's still in love with you and have faith in you that you'll go to her ", said Tarun first in a frustrated tone than in a low voice .
" I don't know what should I say but I hope she'll forgive me , I don't know how to face it , the guilt I was having had been doubled , it is just making me trouble now i just want to go to her ", Sam said with tearful eyes and than ended the call.

"Hey , how are you ?"said Tanvi to Kiara on the call .
"Fine , you said ", said Kiara .
"Me too, Kiara why are you become like this and you're still lying that you're fine please don't take this anymore atleast cry or speak out what you feel otherwise you're going to die from inside , have you noticed Sam's behavior he too is broken from inside insecure with his own self . Both of you need each other you need to have a talk , atleast think about Sam's parents how they might be feeling !! Please Kiara don't do this atleast try to come out of this it's been a long , now come out of your that self ", Said Tanvi.
For sometime silent was there then Kiara spoke up and broke into tears ,
" I don't know Tanvi what should I do , I don't able to find out what the things really are ? ", Kiara told her everything that happened  and Tanvi too told Sam's insecurities that what Sam had told to Tarun.

"I didn't know that he had been suffering these all , I didn't know that he was suffering from this much guilt  even if he had behave like that I needed to talk to him after that but despite of it , I just stop looking towards at him , I don't know what to say but I will talk to him ", said Kiara and ended the call.

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