Chapter 3- Reunion at Last

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I carefully tuck in my fitted sheets to my bed, desperately jumping over the side to finish it. After a few seconds, it snags back and in place. Perfect. I then arrange my blanket and then my pillows on top of it. Of course I'm going to ruin it very soon, but it's aesthetic to look at for now. I then pile up my towers and towers of stuffed animals onto the bed, placing them in a uniform position to each other. As I focus on my stuffed display, I hear footsteps from behind me. I look behind my shoulder, and see a certain someone strolling his way into my room. I scoff, turning around and placing my hands on my hips.

"Who's the one snooping now?" I grit my teeth. He just laughs, continuing to look around. I roll my eyes, but shrug it off as it's probably deserved. Plus I left my door open, so I guess he felt as though that was a welcome message. He looks through my bookshelf, picking some up and flipping through them. What the hell is he doing?

"Damn, you're quite the nerd." He laughs, as he goes through them.

"Oh shut it." I remark, fluffing up parts of my bed. I hear him put the book down and then walk to a different part of the room. He looks at my wall of pictures over the years. I lean against my bed, watching him glare through them.

"This is a nice room you've got, Y/N." He remarks. I feel my heart stop as he says my name.

"How did you know my name?" I ask, leaning forwards, rather nervous. He smirks, gently lifting up a picture.

"So. How do you not remember me, but have my picture graced on your wall?" He asks, staring at me dead in my eyes. A knot twists in my stomach. I have no idea what he's... My expression drops as I notice the picture he's holding. It's a picture my mother took. Armin stands on my right while... Eren... Stands on my left. I look from the picture of Eren, back up to the man in my room's face. It's... The same... All the features. His cold eyes, his smile, the color of his hair. It's all the same. It's... Him... He notices my shock and slowly begins to walk up to me. I'm too frozen to speak or even move. He now stands directly in front of me, his scent filling my nose once more. God, it's so intoxicating. He places his index finger on my chin, gently lifting my face up to look at him. He smiles down at me, seeing how widened my eyes have gotten from realization.

"Looks like that's one point for me, Princess."



Geehehe this chapter gave me butterflies. I'm sure y'all all saw where this was going ;) but still a good twist for our beloved MC. 

Like I said in the last one, sorry it was short, but the next chapter should be longer.

I really wanna take my time with this story, so I hope you all don't mind.

Thank you guys for reading <3 I appreciate it a lot

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