Chapter 12- Love?

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I flutter my eyes open, trying to get a sense of my surroundings. My head spins, as I stare at a blank ceiling above me. I try to move, but feel small patches of cold holding me down. I pull the ice pack off my forehead, looking at it in confusion. What happened? That's when I remember. Eren!! I practically jump up, causing another ice pack to fall from my shoulder. I feel the coolness remain on my neck, where Eren had... Done stuff to. I swallow hard, remembering last night. What even happened..? Please don't tell me we...

"Oh, you're up!!" I hear a voice exclaim. I look to the side and see Eren frantically rush over to me. His presence makes me lightly jump, but the atmosphere feels different. So, I keep calm, trying to get a grip of the situation.

"Eren what happened..?" I ask, holding my head. He lets out a deep breath.

"I got a little carried away. I ended up bruising your neck pretty badly. You uh, looked pretty pale, so I let you rest and you passed out pretty soon after that." He bites his lower lip, taking a deep breath. I passed out? It must have been from stress or exhaustion. "While you were knocked out though, I got some stuff from the store that would hopefully help." He suddenly pulls up a grocery bag and tosses it on my lap. I search through it and notice makeup color corrector and foundation that's pretty close to my skin tone. I can't help but giggle at his choices.

"Where did you learn this?" I ask, holding up the two objects. He chuckles, a slight blush emerging onto his cheeks.

"I searched a bunch of stuff on Youtube." I can't help but laugh at his remark. I roll my eyes, shifting my feet to the end of the couch. "I'm uh sorry about it all..." Eren mutters, looking to the side. I look back at him, but just gently smile.

"It's fine. I said yes after all." I brush it off, but in reality, how the hell can I brush that off???? He just gave me hickies. Like WHAT??? Who can I even tell this to? I told Armin about the kiss, but that ended in this. Maybe Sasha? When she's fed and in girl mode, she's quite the best friend. I think to myself for a second, before Eren cuts off my train of thought.

"I have band practice tonight, so I'll be out for a bit. Do you want me to grab you anything while I'm out?" He asks. I can tell he feels bad, so I'll take him up on that offer.

"Can you get some chips? You know the good kinds." I smile.

"Hell yeah I do!" He winks, giving me gun fingers. Even though we're talking as normal, there's still the increased tension. What does it mean..? Ymir said that he's been focusing on one girl specifically. Could I really be that one girl? And if so, why me? Sure, we knew each other for years, but we were kids, crushes didn't exist at that point in life yet. Maybe he's an early bloomer ;). "Well I should probably head out. Sorry for the short notice and all the hassle." I didn't even notice him disappear into his room. He comes out with a guitar case, as well as an amp he carries in his other hand.

"It's all good. Have a good practice." I gently smile and wave to him. He gives me a peace sign while he holds his guitar and then strolls out of the apartment. I sit and wait, just trying to organize my thoughts. That was the first time I've ever been kissed like that (yes you're a mega virgin in this story lmao). And it was from Eren. I didn't hate it, which is the part that freaks me out. Am I... Falling for him?

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

"Hey Sash. Girl emergency. Can you come over soon?" I talk into the phone, laying on my bed. The couch kept reminding me of the event, so I had to move elsewhere.

"Sure!! What's up?" She asks, and I can hear some shuffling from the other side.

"Eren drama." I note, which causes a light laugh to emerge from the other side.

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