Chapter 18- Invisible

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"Huh?" I ask, confused at her question. 

"Eren. I mean, do you like him or not." She asks bluntly. I swallow hard, unsure of whether to tell her the truth. I sigh, giving in. She seems really dedicated. Did something happen?

"Alright, I'll tell you, but promise to not tell Eren or anyone." I hold out my pinky, the usual style for me and Armin. She eyes my pinky up and down, but then takes it, interlocking our fingers. 

"I won't." She assures. 

"Well." I swallow, taking a deep breath. "I think I do like him. I was actually considering asking him out sometime soon." I lightly laugh, now embarrassed. I haven't really talked about this in a while. Armin and I haven't talked the most recently because he's been so involved in his studies. And there's the tension between them. Armin is like my older brother, so anyone who he worries could hurt me, he hates. I have Sasha too, but the last time we talked was the hickey incident. Just thinking back, there are so many memories pointing to him liking me. And last night proved to me finally. I don't know why I'm so nervous. 

"Really?" She asks, looking surprised. 

"Yeah, was it really that shocking? I mean we've been pretty intimate, it's hard to not catch feelings. The only thing holding me back is just the fear of things being ruined between us." I happily chomp on my sandwich, pleased I could finally let out that information. Ymir blinks a few times, and then nods, returning to eat to her sandwich. We continue to lightly chat as we finish our lunch, and after a while, we finish. As we say our goodbyes, my mind wanders. Not a single text... Maybe I should call Sasha and ask about her eventful night. Maybe she's still asleep and that's why she hasn't texted me. 

I sigh, entering in my apartment. I hope to hear some sort of noise, proving the existence of my roommate, but there's still nothing. I hop on my couch, immediately pulling out my phone. 

'You okay?' I text to Eren. While I wait for a reply, I pull up Sasha's contact and begin to ring her. I wait... And wait... And wait. But, as usual, nothing happens. What the hell? I sigh, laying back on my bed. What happened..? I pull myself up, grunting in annoyance. I'm going to see Armin. I'm sure he can help me. And he wasn't at the party. So, being hungover isn't an excuse. I grab my keys and rush out my apartment. I make my way over to his building, hopping up the stairs. I reach his floor and take a deep breath as I stand in front of it. I knock, waiting for a response. I stand, tapping my foot. Nothing. What the actual hell??? I knock again, this time louder and more agitated. Nothing. I groan, and decide to hit Mikasa and Sasha's dorm. One of them have to have an idea of what's happening. I storm my way over, already on the verge of tears from annoyance and worry. I reach their floor and get ready to knock, when Mikasa opens the door, and closes it behind her. 

"Mikasa! Oh I've been looking around for everyone, why is no one answering their texts?" I exclaim, running out of breath from my words. She looks over confused, but then seems to put the puzzle pieces together. 

"Oh, Sasha lost her phone. We're still trying to look for it. Jean and Connie are out being idiots somewhere, as usual. Armin went to the library, and he never brings his phone when he goes to the library. And Eren is just off the radar. Dunno where he is." She shuffles her bag on her back. I swallow hard, a rush of relief hitting me. Jeez, I overreacted a lot. 

"Yeah, that makes sense. Hey um, where are you going?" I ask. 

"Wanted to get some coffee, clear my mind from last night." She slightly shrugs. 

"Oh, could I possibly go with you?" I ask. I want to feel the comfort of hanging out with someone, especially since literally no one will talk to me. 

"I dunno. It's just kinda one of those alone days. Sorry." She says, then walking off down the stairs. "Also Sash is asleep, I'd let her get some sleep." 

"Oh.. Well, have fun." I slightly mutter, letting out a sigh. What to do... Maybe I'll head to the campus library and maybe hang out with Armin. That would be nice. I feel myself smile at the thought, and rush off to the campus. Today has felt so bizarre... I'm just rushing around one place to the next. It's probably nothing, I'm just on edge from last night. I try to reassure myself, and notice I'm approaching the entrance of our campus. I smile to myself, and guide through the tall buildings, making it to the library. I haven't been in here much, only for getting textbooks. Armin likes it here though, but I can see why. It's right up his alley. I push the doors open, looking around the room. The cool air hits me, as my eyes circle around. It's not busy at all, in fact, the opposite. There's no one in sight. Probably since it's the weekend, and the day after a huge party. So many people were there, no doubt a lot of students here. I quietly close the doors behind me, and search through the array of books. I look at the seating area, but have no sign of the blonde. I sigh, beginning to search through the isles of books. As I explore deeper, I feel sadness and disappointment hit me. He's nowhere in here. After hitting the back isle, I deeply sigh, leaning my head on a book shelf. I feel myself getting worked up, when a voice cuts my emotions off. 

"Oi, what the hell are you doing here?" I slightly jump from the sudden noise, and peer to the source. Ackerman stands there, holding a few books in his hand. I feel myself blush in embarrassment, and straighten up my form. 

"Oh um... I was just looking for someone, but I guess they already left." I slightly laugh to myself, trying to rid of my flustered appearance. He raises his eyebrow, looking me up and down.

"No one's been in here today. You're the first person." My eyes widen at his remark. No one has been here?

"What...? Well how long have you been here?" I stutter. He takes a deep breath, facing straight at me. 

"All day. I take the weekend shift so it's not super loud." He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning on the bookshelf. I bite my lip, looking to the ground.

"I see. Well thanks." I mutter, feeling my nerves press up again. I try to walk off, but he holds out his arm, blocking me from leaving. 

"You alright? You seem stressed." He notes, looking to me. I feel my insides warm from his look. 

"Oh I'm just overthinking, that's all." I swallow back my emotions. He gives me an unsure look, before lightly smiling. 

"If you say so. Now run along. I'm working here." He swats his hand towards me, and I can't help but smile at him. He seems to have a soft side underneath his stern stare. That must be why Hange tolerates him. 




Feeling better (sorta) but hey I'm excited to write

I don't like this chapter a whole lot bc it's just filler but I'm super super excited for the next chapter I've already wrote most of it, so it should come out very very soon

Also my birthday is in a few days!!! Wooo!!

Thank you guys for reading and being patient with my sucky uploading schedule <3

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